From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Importing external images

Importing external images

- [Instructor] Not only can animate ingest web standard image file formats like PNGs and JPEGs, but we can also import full Photoshop and illustrator documents into our project with a good set of control over certain aspects of the file structure. Inside of our document in animate, let's go ahead and add a new layer. And what we'll do is choose file, import, import to stage. Here we can see our ImageAssets.psd within our exercise files. Let's have a look at that inside of Photoshop itself first. And we can see here that we have a framing element around the edges of our document. And we also have a number of different buttons skins, representing states, such as rest, hover and pressed. We'll incorporate this later into a button symbol that we create. Back to Adobe animate, choose that ImageAssets.psd and click open. We can now select which particular layers we want to import. So for instance that black background that we saw in the Photoshop documents, I actually do not want to import…
