From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Frame-by-frame animation

Frame-by-frame animation

- [Instructor] As we saw in the starter project, in order to have any visual emotion in an animate document, we must first have more than one frame across our timeline. Let's add in some additional frames, and draw some variants to the pond shimmer. Let's push this out to about six seconds of content, so we'll find our six-second mark here, and if you need to, you can of course, adjust the height of your timeline. And then we'll click and drag across every single frame here, so that they're all highlighted in each layer. At this point, we can go up here, and instead of inserting a keyframe or a blank keyframe, we want to insert frames up to this point, there we go. So now I can scrub the playhead, and this is going to make it easy to actually include animation inside of my content. So to do this, once again, I am going to zoom-in a bit, let's go to 200%, 'cause I do want to focus on this lake, and the little ripples within it. What we're going to be using here is frame-by-frame…
