From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Editing warped object contents

Editing warped object contents

- It is now possible to edit warped object contents through the project library. In previous versions of Animate, this was not possible, as warped objects were not included within the project library at all. If we select the asset warp tool and select our object with it, that has a rig, we can see that rig. But what if we want to edit the underlying content? If we go to the Library panel, we can see that we have our fishy.png, our sea.png, which is the background, and our warped asset now appears here. Using the library panel, we can rename this asset. We can sort based on type, and we can even organize in specific folders to have better production control. In addition, we can double click on a warped asset from the library and enter into editing mode. From here, I can go ahead and actually change the contents of this asset or even open it up inside of Photoshop for further adjustments. Having warped objects appear in the library for editing, just like symbols, will help both…
