From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Drawing with vector art brushes

Drawing with vector art brushes - Adobe Animate Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

Drawing with vector art brushes

- [Instructor] We'll now expand upon the landscape details, drawn with the fluid brush, and add in the pond with some shimmering details, using vector art brushes. So to lay down vector art brushes, we do need to use the paint brush tool, which by default is not in our toolbar. So let's visit the edit toolbar area again, and here is our paintbrush tool. And with that brush selected, we can look over in the tool properties. Let's go ahead and change the stroke color. And I've already got a color in mind for our pond. And that's this sort of off blue gray color, 495B6A, we can change our stroke size, just like any of the brushes. We can also change stroke style. So I'm going to use a solid stroke style, but you could have stippled or ragged, and there's a couple options here. We can also use various with profiles for our stroke. How about we just keep this, at the regular with profile though. And there are additional options in terms of scaling, hinting and how we handle end caps of our…
