From the course: Adobe Animate Essential Training

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Animating with the camera

Animating with the camera

- [Instructor] Aside from animating individual shape and symbol assets, it's also possible to zoom, pan, and rotate the contents of the entire document at once using a virtual camera, adding a whole other level of animation to your project. You may have noticed as we've worked through this project that there are a number of additional buttons above the layers here. One of those is a camera. And if we toggle this on, we get a special camera layer inside of our timeline. If we decide we don't want to use the virtual camera at any time, we can always turn it off as well. We do want to use it though, so go ahead and turn that back on. Notice we also get a little overlay of controls on the stage. This allows us to visually change or adjust the camera settings. Let's go back to our initial key frame here. And what we're going to do is sort of zoom in. So there are two different controls here we can activate. One is a zoom, which is activated right now and then there's also a rotate…
