From the course: Addressing Technical Skills Gaps

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Evaluating the shift in business priorities

Evaluating the shift in business priorities

From the course: Addressing Technical Skills Gaps

Evaluating the shift in business priorities

- While each year, organizations go through extensive strategy sessions to identify business priorities, in uncertain times, these priorities might change to address the crisis midway through the year. A great example is, when post-pandemic, companies accelerated their hiring to meet their growth plans, but then had to quickly pivot to address the projected economic slowdown. It is important for a tech leader to evaluate the shift in the business strategy, and understand how it'll impact your team and goals. For example, if new product introduction was one of your company's objectives earlier in the year that got shifted to driving operational efficiency with just existing products, then what your team needs to deliver on will change. Your team might no longer need to focus on researching and building new products. Instead, it might need to focus on how to fine-tune the existing products. When goals change, it might…
