From the course: Adaptive Project Leadership

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Key skills for virtual teams

Key skills for virtual teams

- Leading and motivating a geographically diverse workforce is a new construct arising from the digital transformation. As companies seek the most skilled team members they can find, it's common that at least one person works remotely or virtually. If you're not already working with virtual team members, it's highly probable you will be in the near future. Here are some key things to bear in mind as you work with your virtual teams. First, cross cultural competency. This skill applies whether or not your team is virtual. It is however, a common occurrence among virtual teams that more than one culture is represented on the team. The leader needs to understand and successfully navigate cultural pitfalls. One key is to create team working agreements that establish good communication and collaborative practices. These agreements will take all perspectives into account and provide the foundation for ongoing team cohesion. Second, consistency. Be consistent in your approach to the team and…
