From the course: Adaptive Project Leadership

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Agile leaders

Agile leaders

- In the face of unrelenting change, like we're seeing in this digital transformation, becoming an agile leader is a critical requirement to your ongoing success. But what does it mean to be an agile leader? Well, I've been lucky enough to work with and for several fantastic agile leaders. In my experience, there are many factors that contribute to becoming a great agile leader, but, for me, there are four key capabilities all agile leaders need. First, walk the walk. You cannot delegate the accountability for becoming agile, behaving in an adaptive way, innovating, or aligning to strategy. You, as the leader of a team, are responsible for living the vision you advocate. You'll win over more hearts and minds with your behaviors than you will with words. This is the most important aspect of being an agile leader. Adopting this practice will establish your credibility with your team, peers, and leaders more than anything else you do. Second, think adaptively. Be willing to unlearn what…
