From the course: A Playbook to Achieve Equity Anywhere

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Equity for healthy workplaces

Equity for healthy workplaces

- It was the winter of 2020, and I was having a spirited conversation with an executive of a company I had been working for more than a year with to improve their DEI outcomes. The executive, a shrewd business leader, and self-professed numbers guy, wanted to understand where equity was a workplace concern, and his responsibility, as opposed to an external issue. "Help me get it," I remember him asking me. "I know our country has a lot of progress to make on big issues of race, gender, you name it. And I'm sure we could be having those conversations here in the workplace as well, but what's the benefit to spending the time and money we are considering spending now on things like eliminating systemic racism, when these things aren't what we signed up to do when we decided to work here?" I told him, "This might seem like a tangent, but bear with me. Remember the conversation your executive team was having the other week about sales, how people were dissatisfied with the career growth…
