From the course: A Navy SEAL's Surprising Key to Building Unstoppable Teams: Caring

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True care also challenges

True care also challenges

- Now, can you tell me, in what ways do you get resistance from this? 'Cause I'm hearing this as like "Yeah, that makes sense. You should do all those things. I am right with you Alden". Where do you find people say, "Alden, you're off base! I disagree here." Sort of, where's there some contention? - Well. Let's see. So it's the first big disagreement I'd get. "Wait, you're a Navy Seal talking about caring? Are you kidding me? I mean, Navy Seals only care about killing, right? How can you go around talking about caring?" - Well, I was going to ask, I mean I wouldn't put it that far, but I mean if you look at the footage of the training, yeah. The training, doesn't look like it's caring with all the screaming and the (laughter) and the discomfort, but yeah what's your take on that? - Well, so the first thing is when people hear, "care", they hear, "Oh! Soft and cuddly", right? No, that's not the care I'm talking about.…
