From the course: A Navy SEAL's Surprising Key to Building Unstoppable Teams: Caring

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Empower your team to own their work

Empower your team to own their work

- [Narrator] That brings you to the final piece the care loop and it closes it called empower. And empowering is about building owners. And I talked about doing that through educate, enable and engage and by educating people, you're helping them be better not just for their job at hand but also helping them grow in the direction that they are seeking to do for the longterm. Enabling is helping them to succeed and engaging is the active process of testing their education, challenging them, improving them and helping the entire team grow. And when that all happens the loop closes and people go, "Hey, I'm going to share this care loop with the next team that I grade." Because teams all disband people move on and that's the great thing about if you approach things with a care based philosophy, I guarantee you it will come back in spades in the positive realm for you.
