From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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The structure dimension of your writing

The structure dimension of your writing

- I just showed you what questions you could ask of the content dimension of your writing to bring it up to a very high standard. The second dimension of your writing where you also want to be asking some deep questions is what I call the structure dimension. As we saw in several other lessons, most content has a structure and so it helps to pay very close attention to this particular aspect of your writing. Now, I know we already looked at structure before in a previous section of the course, so you may be wondering, why am I bringing it up again? Well, it's because you can go even further with structure than I mentioned when I was talking about the narrative a while ago. Okay, so let's begin. The first question I want you to ask when you think about the structure of your writing is this, what is the angle of my content? Now, what do I mean by the angle of the content? You see, every piece of writing has a particular…
