From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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The magic of simplicity

The magic of simplicity

- In the previous section, I taught you the mindset, and basic tools, right? Of a superior copywriter. In this section, we are going to begin now digging into the first of the two powerful writing perspectives that I mentioned and as I said, it's what I call the secret source perspective or the four ingredients of exceptional writing. Now, in the previous exercise, I told you that exceptional writing has four basic ingredients simplicity, clarity, elegance and evocative which makes your writing respectively, ping, ring, sing and zing. In this lesson, we're going to begin by exploring the first of those splendid ingredients, simplicity, which as you'll see, is the ingredient that makes your writing light fast and punchy. I'm going to tell you a bit more about the power of the simplicity here, and then in the lessons that follow. Immediately afterwards, I'll show you some specific ways that you can enhance…
