From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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The magic of elegance

The magic of elegance

- The power of simplicity, as we saw, is that it makes your writing light, fast, and punchy instead of slow and heavy. Next, I introduce you to the power of clarity, the quality, that makes your writing crisp, sharp, and focused. The power of elegance, the third ingredient in the secret sauce is that it helps to make your writing orderly and graceful. And in the coming lectures, I'm going to be show you how to apply this ingredient of elegance, so that your writing begins to flow a lot better. As a result, your pros will take on more gracefulness and poise, which will give readers a more joyful experience. Now, I just want you to imagine for a moment what can happen when the ingredient of elegance is added to simplicity and clarity, the first two ingredients. It's enough to create enormous power in your writing, because when these three ingredients come together, the results get to be really magical and musical. You…
