From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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The five aspirations of an elite copywriter

The five aspirations of an elite copywriter

- In the last lesson I explained why it's very important to be super clear about your purpose whenever writing anything. In this lesson, I'm going to go a little deeper into the mindset of elite writers and I want to explain to you what I see as the five common basic aspirations that exceptional writers share. Once you learn these five aspirations, I urge you to embed them each into your own consciousness, because when you write with these five aspirations in mind, you'll find that it becomes much easier to craft your copy well every time. Okay, here then are the five aspirations of a superior copywriter that you should think about adopting immediately. First, always strive to ensure your writing is easy to comprehend. In other words, try to make sure that everything you put down on the page will make perfect sense to your readers. What that means is trawling through every paragraph, every sentence, every word, and…
