From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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The anatomy of content

The anatomy of content

- When I was a journalist, I got into the habit of looking very closely at every single sentence in an article that I was writing or editing. After a while, I began to look at each sentence as having a function within the entire article. Now this approach, which I first learned at Bloomberg News while I was a reporter there, turned out to be a very useful way of looking at a piece of news writing, because it helped me to group together various types of points that were of a similar kind, which in turn made it easier for me to organize the content of any article that I was writing. Here's the basic model. I saw that news articles generally broke down into a few key functional elements that you could look at. For instance, I'd report the main news itself, which was usually mentioned at the very first sentence of a news article. You know, something like this, "The unemployment rate rose to 7% according to a government…
