From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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Proof of the power of stylish writing

Proof of the power of stylish writing

- Now while I was a journalist, all I did all day every day was write, and write and write and later on as an editor, edit and edit and edit, and a result of doing this, my writing of course became significantly better with every month and year that passed. Now, during that time with a lot of experience, and a lot of mentoring as well. I naturally became aware of many advanced writing strategies and techniques that are unfamiliar to most people outside of the journalism profession, including people in government, the business world and in academia. So in this lesson, I want to begin by showcasing some examples of what I consider to be journalistic flair so that you'll be able to foresee what kind of impact the skills that I'm going to be teaching you in this course are likely to have on your own writing ability. Now as you know, the the main job of newspapers is really to inform readers of newsworthy events and…
