From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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Obsessive attention to detail

Obsessive attention to detail

- A regular writer may look closely at what they've written. An exceptional writer looks obsessively at what they've written. They'll pick it apart again and again and they'll ask deep probing questions about every single aspect of it. Was that the right word to use there? Could this sentence have been better written? Is this paragraph too long? You get what I mean right? Now, this kind of obsession can, of course, be a danger if it means that you're never satisfied with what you've written. Absolute perfection, after all, is somewhat of an elusive goal. But if you want to write brilliantly, you must encourage yourself to develop this sort of extreme attention to detail. It's the only way to ensure that your written work will stand out in terms of its authority and its professionalism and its style. This requires a different mindset from what you may have been taught at school or college, where getting your…
