From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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How to write with style, flair, and impact

How to write with style, flair, and impact

- At one time, it was almost impossible to have a career as an author or a journalist unless you could persuade a newspaper or a publishing company to sign you up. Today, there's no such hurdle to getting your work published. Anyone can upload their books, articles and opinions straight onto the internet and have a decent shot at finding an audience. The online self-publishing revolution has already spawned hoards of successful online writers, including many independent journalists, political commentators, business mentors and lifestyle gurus. The problem is that there's so much writing online these days that it's getting harder for writers to get their own content noticed. Now, it's just as hard for purveyors of information of other kinds, say on behalf of companies, governments or institutions to get their voices heard amid the rising cacophony of content that's competing for attention. But what if somebody gave you a…
