From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

How to quickly become an exceptional writer

- Hello, everyone, and a very warm welcome to you. My name is Shani Raja, and I'm delighted to be your instructor and guide through this program. Basically, in this course, I'm going to teach you how to improve your writing skills, quickly and dramatically. So if that's what you're looking to do here, then you are in the right place. Now, as you can see, I've called this "A Crash Course in Writing Well," and that's because this course is not only about turning you into a really good writer, it's about turning you into a really good writer very quickly. You see, you may already be aware that I've created before a number of longer writing courses, and if you're interested in any of those, you can find details about them on my website But the problem is that if you were to take all of those courses, you'd have to participate in probably more than 20 hours of training. Now, you may have time for that, but you may instead prefer to get the essential information as quickly as possible with the minimum amount of fuss or distraction. And if so, then this is definitely the course for you, because in this course, I'm going to focus only on what is absolutely essential for turning you into an exceptional writer. So, whether you're mainly interested in writing better business emails, work documents, press releases, academic research, sales copy, website scripts, news articles, blog posts, or content marketing, I'm confident that you're going to walk away from this course with some really powerful writing tools that will put you way ahead of your peers, colleagues, and competitors, whatever field you may be in, and whatever type of writing that you do.
