From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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How to make your writing varied

How to make your writing varied

- In this lesson I'm going to explain how to make your writing more evocative by focusing on the concept of variety. By the end of the lesson, you'll know how to make skillful tweaks to your words and sentences to make your writing spring to life because it's so packed with variety. Now, as you know anything gets boring when it's repeated too often and the same is true in writing which can get very dull when you keep on using the same words, the same sentence structures and similar language patterns over and over. For practice, try changing both the sentence structure and the same words in this passage to create as much variety as possible. Standard & Poor's said Australia's top credit rating was largely safe from any future disruption to the world economy. Standard & Poor's said that with its extremely low debt levels, the country had time on its side to deal with any such disruption to the world economy.…
