From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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How to make your writing plain

How to make your writing plain

- So as we saw in the last lesson, focusing on getting rid of hot air from your sentences, or unnecessary or redundant words, is one way that we can easily simplify our writing. In this lesson I'm going to teach you another way to simplify your writing, which is by making it less fluffy, formal, and flowery. It's by making, basically, your language itself more simple. By the end of this lesson, you'll understand how much lighter your writing becomes when you are able to convey your meaning as plainly as possible. Rather than using dense, heavy, or turgid language, of the type that I'm sure you've read many times in your life, especially in college textbooks, or official government documents. You see, a lot of writers, sadly, are in the habit of defaulting to fancy, official, bureaucratic, or technical language when it's not really necessary or even helpful. This habit often makes their writing feel more like a burden than…
