From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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How to become more articulate and eloquent

How to become more articulate and eloquent

- In the last lesson I taught you why it's important to pay obsessive attention to detail whenever writing something. To turn over every stone, so to speak, to ensure your writing always looks polished and professional. After doing this, you'll know that you've made the best available choices with regard to your words, sentences, paragraphs, and even punctuation. In this lesson, I want to talk to you about two more special qualities that you should strive to impart to your writing as often as possible. They're the qualities of being one, articulate, and two, eloquent. Now, these two words have have very similar meanings to each other. Articulate means having the ability to speak coherently and fluently, and eloquent means being fluent or persuasive in either speaking or writing. So there is some crossover. Suffice it to say that good writers generally are both articulate and eloquent. But what's required to be…
