From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

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Do you truly have something worth saying?

Do you truly have something worth saying?

- What do you intend to write next? A blog post, a news article, a job application, an official government report, a press release, an online product description. Whether you yearn to become a major influencer or just someone who wants to promote your business or your product more effectively, you are here because you understand that you need to be able to write excellent copy if you want lasting success. Now, every writer has to start somewhere, and the best writers start by asking themselves a fundamentally important question. It's a question that to some of you may sound too obvious, even to be worth mentioning, but it's still an important one. And the question is this: Do I actually have something worth saying? Why is it so important, this question? Because nothing you ever write will have any impact unless it has some true value to your intended audience. So before writing anything, run this simple test. Ask…
