From the course: A Crash Course in Writing Well: Learn to Write with More Style, Flair, and Impact

A glance in the rearview mirror

- So first of all, I just want to say thank you for sharing this journey with me. I hope you've gained a lot of new insights from this course that will help to empower your writing and of course your editing going forward. Before I wrap up, I wanted to just quickly summarize the ideas and the perspectives that I've shared with you here one last time to really help solidify the learning. We kicked off the course by looking at the mindset of exceptional writers and I mentioned a few things that you should keep at the front of your own mind whenever writing anything. In the mindset section, I first said that before anything else you need to ask yourself whether or not you truly have something worth saying, because if you don't then you'll only be wasting your time trying to dress up your writing with all the techniques that I've given you. So make sure you really do have something worth saying before anything else. After that, I said that it helps when you can clearly, explicitly and articulate define your purpose whenever writing something. Then I said that identifying this so-called purpose basically meant being clear yourself on two very specific things: your intention and your audience. I said it helps to write down those two aspects of your purpose, even before beginning to write your piece because doing this will help you to shape your content and also to get the best tone and the right pace to match your purpose. After that, I went on to explain to you the five aspirations of pretty much all elite writers, and that is, they strive to ensure that their writing is comprehensible, beautiful, effective, engaging, and authentic. And I suggested that those five aspirations provided you with the best foundation for sweeping readers off their feet and wowing them with your pros. Next, we learned that there were two keys to effective written communication that were worth keeping in mind: the content of the piece on the one hand and the tone of the piece on the other. And I showed you that you can make your writing more impactful just by skillfully manipulating those two elements. After that, I introduce you to further aspects of an elite writer's mindset, such as the tendency to pay obsessive attention to detail in order to maximize the power and beauty of a piece of writing. Also important is developing the ability to break down one's content into various functional types; a skill that helps you to organize your pros meticulously. After we completed the mindset section, I went on to explain that I'd teach you two powerful writing frameworks and I argued that those criss-crossing perspectives would give you a great deal, more power over the quality of your writing. Now, the first of those perspectives I called the secret source of exceptional writing, otherwise known as the four ingredients of good writing. And this remember, was the magic formula for producing beautiful writing, namely simplicity, clarity, elegance, and evocativeness, these design principles. And I showed you several ways to optimize each of those ingredients, and also told you that you needed to learn to blend and balance simplicity, clarity, elegance and evocativeness every time for the best results. You learn that those four ingredients were again the fundamental design principles of stylish writing. Simplicity I explain makes your writing ping. Clarity makes it ring. Elegance makes it sing, and evocativeness makes it zing. After showing you how to apply the four ingredients to your writing, I went on to teach you the second powerful writing perspective which I named the Four Dimensions of Exquisite Pros. And I said that this was a framework that I used mostly to edit my own and other people's writing. The four dimensions I pointed out were content, structure, style, and presentation. Now, it helps to think of these four dimensions when writing because it lets you ask a bunch of important questions that enable you to bring the quality of your writing up even more. And after showing you what those questions were for each dimension, I shared with you my quick smart editing system, which was a step-by-step process enabling you to address a range of problems that can negatively impact the quality of a piece of writing and a process that also allowed you to practice everything else that you'd learned in the course. And that's how we got to where we are now where hopefully I've helped to turn you into a budding elite writer ready to wow the world with your amazing new content. Now, I just want you to know again that what I've done in this course is bring together the content of some of my premium writing courses in a way that takes you off the learning curve of exceptional writing super fast. And that's why I've called it a crash course in writing well. using these two criss-crossing perspectives from now on to value your writing and to fix any problem that arises within it, I think you'll find that it works pretty well. And now that we've come to the end of our journey, I want you to take a step back and a deep breath and to recognize the tremendous value of what you've learned: tricks, tools, tactics and techniques that will put you way ahead of other aspiring writers. I also want you to congratulate yourself for making it this far. With these powerful perspectives in your writing arsenal, I have no doubt that your writing will quickly begin to stand out both in your workplace, and if you want, in the wilds of the internet I urge you to keep practicing these writing and editing techniques over and over again. And in the next lesson I'm going to show you some ways that you can do that so you are always evolving your skills day-by-day.
