From the course: 360 Video Workflow

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Turning flat shots into 3D

Turning flat shots into 3D - Final Cut Pro Tutorial

From the course: 360 Video Workflow

Turning flat shots into 3D

- [Instructor] Okay, I've added or whole show together here, as if it were a normal spherical video. I decided to get rid of those blurry dissolve and use normal dissolves instead, so you can see what that looks like. I think it's, you don't have to worry so much about disorienting people with this 3D format. Okay, now we've gotta take our flat shot and make it into a 3D shot. How are we gonna do that? Well, first you have to understand what's going on here. Basically, this middle square that you see on screen, that's the shot from your left eye. And this shot that's split in half, that's half on this side and half on this side, is the shot for your right eye, okay? And you want to be able to separate them. Put one on the top and one on the bottom, vertically, because that's how 3D works on light, you get the left eye image above the right eye image. Okay, so the first thing I'm gonna do is take our entire timeline here, select it all, we're gonna make a compound clip. So I'll hit the…
