From the course: 360 Video Workflow

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Importing project footage

Importing project footage - Final Cut Pro Tutorial

From the course: 360 Video Workflow

Importing project footage

- [Instructor] Now is the complicated part. Here is where we're gonna figure out how to shoot our 3D side by side binocular footage shot with our PixPro 360 cameras, and make it into 3D material that can be watched in 3D in your head-mounted display off of your smart phone. Okay, step one, just like before, is we're gonna ingest all the footage. So, I stick the card into the card reader from Camera One. Remember, I've labeled my camera and my card, and Camera One, the way I always set it up is always the left camera. Now, it's trying to import it into Final Cut Pro. I don't wanna do that. I like to do it from the finder. So, I'm gonna hide Final Cut Pro for a moment and I'm gonna open the camera disk, which is right here. Inside DCIM, inside the folder with the number of the camera on it, there are my files. Now, I could click on any one of these and preview it, and I can see that this camera can see the other camera that's there on the right. That means that this is definitely 100%…
