From the course: 31 Music Business Tips for Songwriters

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Learn how to make a lyric video

Learn how to make a lyric video

- [Instructor] Something that was a huge revelation to me when I was starting to do my research on this topic was how many people use video services to listen to music. Given that that is the case, and given how expensive fully-produced music videos are, why not learn how to make a lyric video? And, by definition, a lyric video is simply a video with your song playing and the lyric scrolling up the screen. You can do that creatively, of course, but really ultimately it is a video of the actual lyric of the song as the song is playing. Now, this does a couple of things. First of all, and most importantly, lyric videos get your songs on a video service. But, of course, learning to make a lyric video with free software that's on your computer can also save you a fortune compared to doing fully-produced music videos, which, while they are certainly valuable to have, are prohibitively expensive if you're trying to do it with…
