Deceased LinkedIn member

Last updated: 8 months ago
There may be a time when you come across the profile of a deceased colleague, classmate, or loved one. We understand how difficult it could be to see their profile on the site after the loss.

If you have the authority to act on behalf of a deceased member, you can request to close the account.

If you aren’t authorized to act on behalf of a deceased member, you can report them as deceased and we will memorialize the profile.

Contact us to:
You’ll need the following information to submit your request:
  • Member's full name
  • LinkedIn profile link/URL
  • Your relationship
  • Member's email address
  • Date of their passing
  • Link to an obituary

For requests to close the account, you’ll also need a copy of the member’s death certificate and one of the following legal documents to show you have the authority to act on behalf of the deceased member:

  • Letters of Administration
  • Letters of Testamentary
  • Letters of Representation
  • Other court order appointing the requestor as an authorized representative for the deceased member’s estate