Greg Crossan Coaching & Consulting, LLC

Greg Crossan Coaching & Consulting, LLC

Professional Training and Coaching

North Reading, Massachusetts 65 followers

Helping professionals find their personal success formula.

About us

My mission is to help individuals create lasting change by connecting with their core values and purpose (their Who), facilitating personal and professional transformations that go beyond traditional goal setting. I help professionals navigate career changes, become authentic leaders, and manage stress and burnout. By coaching the whole person I help them overcome fear, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs. When these are released it allows for lasting success, person fulfillment, and a better work-life balance.

Professional Training and Coaching
Company size
1 employee
North Reading, Massachusetts
Transition Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Executive Coaching, Career Management, Personal Development, Group Coaching, Self-awareness, and Emotional Intelligence


Employees at Greg Crossan Coaching & Consulting, LLC


  • Celebrating Independence Day and the Power of Self-Confidence! As we celebrate the spirit of independence this July 4th, let's also reflect on the importance of personal independence through self-confidence. Just as our nation’s founders believed in their vision and took bold steps to achieve it, we too can harness the power of confidence to reach our goals and dreams. Educational Tip: One way to build self-confidence is to set small, achievable goals and celebrate each success. These "mini-wins" create a positive feedback loop, reinforcing your belief in your abilities and inspiring you to take on bigger challenges. As we watch fireworks light up the sky, let's ignite our own inner confidence and take steps toward our personal and professional independence. “Believe you can and you're halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt Wishing everyone a joyful and empowering Independence Day! 🎆 #IndependenceDay #SelfConfidence #PersonalGrowth #Empowerment #Leadership

  • Bridging the Confidence Gap: Empowering Women in the Workplace Research highlighted in "The Confidence Code" by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman reveals a significant confidence gap between men and women. While competence is crucial, confidence often plays a more pivotal role in achieving success. Unfortunately, societal expectations and internalized beliefs frequently undermine women's self-assurance, creating barriers to their advancement. Educational Tip: One effective way to build confidence is to embrace failure as a learning opportunity. Instead of seeing setbacks as personal shortcomings, view them as valuable experiences that contribute to growth and resilience. This mindset shift can empower women to take risks, embrace their authentic self, and step out of their comfort zones. As Katty Kay and Claire Shipman wisely stated, “Confidence, ultimately, is the characteristic that distinguishes those who imagine from those who do.” #Leadership #WomenInBusiness #Confidence #ProfessionalGrowth #Empowerment

    • Confident woman bridging the gap between men and women in business
  • Did you know that your work environment can significantly impact your stress levels and productivity? Beyond the people around you, tangible physical elements like temperature, lighting, and noise play a crucial role. If you're too 🔥hot or ❄️cold, it becomes difficult to focus. How many of you have fans or space heaters in your workspace? Similarly, factors like poor lighting, background noise, and clutter can also drain your energy and hinder your performance. On the flip side, environmental influencers that decrease stress include spending time in nature or with pets, listening to calming music, cleaning up your space, and using noise-canceling headphones. Think about your workspace: is there something you can change to reduce your stress? If altering your environment isn't possible, consider adjusting other influencers. For instance, could you change something related to your mental approach to help mitigate environmental stress? The key is to identify what you can control and take steps to create a more conducive work environment. This post contains my interpretation of the copyrighted work of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). #WorkplaceWellness #EnvironmentalFactors #StressManagement #Productivity #WorkLifeBalance #StressedtoSuccess 

  • Are you an introvert or extrovert? Did quarantine during COVID cause you more stress or less? The Social Influencer revolves around having the right amount of social interactions for you. When this balance is off, whether due to too much or too little interaction, it can drain your energy. In my previous job, relationship building, influence, and communication were critical to my success. As an extrovert, transitioning to remote work made these tasks more challenging. The shift to Microsoft Teams left me feeling less effective and added to my social stress. Perhaps this was just my perception, but it significantly impacted my sense of success and well-being. Understanding how our interpretations affect our stress is crucial. Managing these perceptions can make a big difference in our emotional resilience. To positively influence your social environment, consider these strategies: 🛑Learn to say no to people who drain your energy. 🚧Communicate clear boundaries. 📵Limit social media usage. By adopting these practices, you can better manage your social interactions and reduce stress, ultimately boosting your energy and productivity. This post contains my interpretation of the copyrighted work of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). #SocialWellbeing #StressManagement #RemoteWork #EnergyBoost #WorkLifeBalance #Stressedto Success 

  • Ever notice how a minor physical issue can derail your entire day? Physical well-being is crucial to maintaining the energy needed to achieve your goals. When your body isn't functioning optimally, your energy depletes, impacting your performance. Physical factors play a vital role in our daily lives. When you're feeling strong and active, you're more likely to have the energy to complete important tasks. However, even a small disruption, like stubbing your toe, can drain your energy and trigger a stress reaction. During the pandemic, I gained two extra hours daily by not commuting. I started running and lost 18 lbs. in 3 months, feeling fantastic. But as work demands increased, those two hours were consumed, the running stopped, and I regained the weight. This taught me a valuable lesson: there will always be more work than we can finish. Setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care is essential, yet I failed to sustain it because I wasn’t aware of the impact of physical influencers. To boost your physical well-being, consider integrating activities like walking, dancing, stretching, and spending time in the sun into your routine. These simple actions can significantly enhance your energy and reduce stress. This post contains my interpretation of the copyrighted work of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). #PhysicalWellbeing #EnergyBoost #SelfCare #Productivity #WorkLifeBalance #StressedtoSuccess

  • This is the big lie… The lie that most of us have been taught to view our emotions as inconvenient distractions. Emotions are crucial indicators and red flags. By listening to and observing our emotions instead of owning them, we enhance our emotional well-being and manage stress more effectively. Emotions are a key factor in stress management. Regularly checking in with yourself and allowing yourself to experience emotions without judgment is vital. Often, we experience stress because we believe "I shouldn't be feeling this." Instead, ask yourself: "What am I feeling right now?" Check in with yourself often. You may recognize your emotions influencing your stress when you have feelings of fear, loss of control, or victimization, often accompanied by anger, frustration, or anxiety. Acknowledging and accepting these emotions without avoidance or judgment is key to fostering emotional resilience. Remember, it's not the stressor itself that matters most, but our response to it. Our emotional reactions stem from our interpretations of events. Embrace and observe your emotions to develop healthier coping mechanisms and more adaptive responses to challenges. This post contains my interpretation of the copyrighted work of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). #EmotionalWellbeing #StressManagement #Mindfulness #Resilience #WorkplaceWellness #StressedtoSuccess 

  • Ever wondered how mental clarity and focus can transform your productivity and reduce stress? Mental factors play a crucial role in your energy levels and overall performance at work. To be present in the moment, alert, and focused is essential for decision-making, idea generation, and task execution. The mental influencer involves understanding what you are doing and maintaining focus without distractions. However, multitasking, overextending yourself, or dealing with tasks that are too challenging or monotonous can sap your energy and elevate stress. During the pandemic, I found myself juggling more tasks with fewer resources, becoming a master of multitasking. I didn't recognize the mental stress this caused. If I had been aware of the mental influencer, I could have scheduled my work more intentionally and prioritized tasks when my focus and energy were at their peak. Here are some practical tips to enhance your mental awareness: ⭐Be present ⭐Get adequate sleep ⭐Stay hydrated ⭐Make lists ⭐Practice mindfulness to keep your thoughts from drifting Implementing these strategies can immediately improve your mental influencer and help reduce stress. This post contains my interpretation of the copyrighted work of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). #MentalHealth #Productivity #WorkplaceWellness #StressManagement #Mindfulness #StressedtoSuccess

  • Did you know that intangible factors like purpose and alignment can significantly impact your energy and behavior at work? While "spiritual" is often linked with "religious," here it refers to those deep, immeasurable elements that guide us. At the heart of our values and vision lie the answers to big-picture questions like "What is my purpose?", "How do I want to be remembered?", and "Who am I really?". When our actions don't align with these core values, we might feel that "something is missing." One of my core values is connection and relationships. When I had to lay people off, it caused a lot of spiritual stress. Had I been aware of this influencer, I could have honored my values, even during this difficult time. Instead of viewing layoffs purely as a business necessity, approaching them with greater empathy and compassion could have mitigated some of the spiritual stress I experienced. Spiritual factors significantly influence the energy you bring to any situation. By recognizing and aligning with these factors, you can manage stress more effectively and create a more harmonious work environment. This post contains my interpretation of the copyrighted work of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). #WorkplaceWellness #Leadership #EmployeeWellbeing #Stressmanagement #stressedtosuccess

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