Global Business Development Association (GBDA)

Global Business Development Association (GBDA)


Miami, Florida 797 followers

Where Business Grows

About us

The Global Business Development Association (GBDA) is a nonprofit trade association representing an international coalition of corporations and business development leaders advancing the art, science, and ethics of the business development profession. Our mission is simple. We help our members grow. We provide three core services: 1. Individual Certifications: Help people enter the business development profession and enable existing business developers to grow their corporations, customers, and community. 2. Corporate Certifications: Help our corporate members grow their customers and community. 3. Community: Business development is a team sport. We welcome anyone to join our free community to enjoy valuable benefits including news, events, and discounts.

Company size
2-10 employees
Miami, Florida


Employees at Global Business Development Association (GBDA)


  • The first Business Developer was hired in 1923. A century later, we finally have a Business Development Professional (BDP) certification based on the Business Development Body of Knowledge (BD-BOK). BDP certification enables competency in the art, science, and ethics necessary for business development success. Would you like to earn your BDP certification? Learn more at the Global Business Development Association (GBDA). #CGO #businessdevelopment #bizdev #bdr #marketing #sales #sdr

  • Great way to measure the ROI and impact of a BD Tech Stack Andy!

    View profile for Andy Laws, graphic

    | Founder & Fractional SDR Leader | ex-Braze, Snr Business Development Leader | Series C ➡️ IPO | 📈 I help Founders, VP Sales & Reps build sustainable pipeline generation systems. 📈

    Controversial opinion... The SaaS industry is measuring training adoption ALL WRONG. 2 Major Problems as I see it… (I’ve been guilty of this too!) ❌ ’Learnings’ are rarely applied by reps when actually under pressure, talking with prospects ❌ No proven business impact & ROI after purchasing the solution How it currently works… (From personal experience) Time-poor Managers are asked to take time out of their hectic schedules to ‘review’ calls. They look at small cross-section of calls leading to poor evaluation of effectiveness Enablement reviews whether core KPIs improved & makes flakey attempt to tie to tooling Why this process has no future… 💰 Companies are getting tighter and smarter on budget expenditure 💬 Poor measurement of adoption and impact 🔁 Significant lag in the feedback loop from reps and managers The future and how to solve for this important challenge… You simply need to know 3 things: 📈 Did reps use the tool? 📈 Did the reps adoption of the tool positively impact an input KPI (e.g. Call duration) 📈 Did reps adoption of the tool positively impact a output KPI? (e.g. Meetings booked) The importance of this changing perspective is why I’m so excited by what Replicate Labs are building. If you’re an Enablement or Sales Leader... I would strongly encourage you to take a look at the impact they’re having through tangible, data-driven metrics that accompany an awesome L&D tool.

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  • Great prospect intent to engage BD tech stack.

    View profile for Bethany Stachenfeld, graphic

    Co-founder & CEO at Sendspark | AI Personalized Video at Scale

    Just getting started with RB2B and Clay? This is a simple workflow: 1️⃣ See who's on your website (with RB2B) 2️⃣ Create AI personalized videos (with Sendspark ✨) 3️⃣ Send videos + emails in a 3 step sequence (with Smartlead) This video is a little longer than usual (5 min 😅) but I wanted to share everything you need to set it up on your own. Big value here is engaging website visitors who otherwise might have forgotten about you after closing your site. Thanks for building powerful tools Adam Robinson Kareem Amin Vaibhav Namburi 🔥🔥🔥

  • Business Developers, here is a great way to reduce ''time to meeting'' by 55%.” Great way to empathetically leverage Cognitive Bias to book meetings. This also shows the prospect you made the effort to prepare for next steps by identifying open time slots. It also decreases friction in the deal flow.

    View profile for Chris Ritson, graphic

    My courses teach SaaS sellers how to Outbound [and actually get results] 2x Founder | &

    Closing cold calls by giving the prospect 3 options reduced my teams ''time to meeting'' by 55%. How they did it previously... - When are you free? - When works in 6 days time? - Does X time work for you on Tuesday? The average meeting was booked 8 days out. So we switched to saying... ''I'm free at [insert 3 times] tomorrow, which one works best for you? 3 reasons this ''closer'' works... 1. It gives prospects CHOICE - this makes them feel in control [humans like this] 2. Choice is followed by the word ''tomorrow'' - this drives urgency and keeps the timeframe controlled 3. You ask ''which works best''? This gives the prospect a decision to make and respond to. Give it a go 🤘 PS. How do you ''close cold calls''? ---- Note - If the prospect says they can't do any of the times give 3 more times for 24 hours later. Repeat until you book.

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  • Great 3x3 cold email sequence for business developers to increase meetings booked by 100-200%! Thank you Christian Krause!

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    Christian Krause Christian Krause is an Influencer

    CRO @ SaaS Sales Academy | We help SaaS sales professionals & teams generate 25-50% more sales in 90 days | Team Training, Individual Coaching & Community

    Most email sequences suck. They take hours to write, just to land a 23% open rate. Steal this sequence to 3x your meetings👇 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐗𝟑 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 • 3X3 stands for "three triples." So a total of 9 emails. • This can be run over the course of 3 weeks. • It works best in a multichannel approach. 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 Every week you send a sequence of 3 cold emails. • Email 1) is a research trigger + problem statement. • Email 2) highlights the business impact of 1). • Email 3) provides a piece of social proof. Each week you pivot to a new problem statement. A total of 3 problem statements for your target persona. Think about the top 3 challenges buyers typically face. 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 • Splitting up into 3 emails increases readability. • Your emails can be super short, choppy copy. • You take your prospects on a nurture journey. • Unaware to aware to (hopefully) interested. 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 • Day 1: Email 1 + call + VM • Day 2: Email 2 + call + LinkedIn connect • Day 3: Email 3 + call + InMail or LinkedIn video Run this Monday-Wednesday, for example. Then give your prospect a break until the following week. Repeat the same pattern for days 8, 9, 10 and 15, 16 ,17. You can finish with a friendly stripline or breakup email. 3 touches per day. 9 touches per week. 28 touches total. I teach this framework to my coaching clients. They often increase meetings booked by 100-200%. Give it a go and let me know how it works. PS: Try my favorite email automation tool →

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  • Excellent list for Chief Growth Officers considering an ABM pilot, program, or procurement! So many great points on this list…my fave is LACK OF HUMAN INTERACTIONS WITH THE BUYING COMMITTEE. This is Business Development’s key function between marketing and sales. Bridging the gap between Awareness and Conversion with engaged brand Activation.

    View profile for Andrei Zinkevich, graphic

    Co-founder| ABM & full-funnel marketing for B2B tech companies with high ACV and long sales cycle

    11 guaranteed ways to KILL an ABM program... 1. RUN A PROGRAM TO 1000s ACCOUNTS. Ask yourself: from these 1000s accounts how many of them are vendor aware? How many of them demonstrate buying signals? It's not ABM, it's spray and pray. 2. BUYING AN EXPENSIVE ABM STACK FOR THE PILOT PROGRAM. Software ≠ ABM. No expensive stack will help to fix a broken playbook I've described above. 3. TARGETING A WISH LIST.   Everybody wants to sell to the Fortune 500, but if these companies are not in market and don't prioritize the challenge your product solves, you program will fail. 4. LACK OF SALES BUY-IN AND SUPPORT. ABM success heavily depends on coordinated actions of marketing and sales. If there is no buy-in and support from sales, you're likely to do "air cover" that won't convert into revenue. 5. LACK OF ACCOUNT QUALIFICATION CRITERIA. Not all accounts that fit your firmographics are a good fit. You need to define patterns between lost deals. Then, develop account qualification criteria to avoid spending time and money on accounts that will never buy from you. 6. TRYING TO GENERATE SALES OPPORTUNITIES WITH COLD ACCOUNTS. Accounts that are not aware of you are very likely to ignore you. Instead of targeting cold accounts, identify accounts that are already "aware" of you and demonstrate product-need / buying signals. 7. LACK OF ACCOUNT RESEARCH.   Nobody cares about how your product helps X with Z. The buying committee members from your target accounts care: - How their jobs-to-be-done can be improved - How they can hit their targets - How it's aligned with the company's strategic goals. 8. TARGETING DECISION-MAKERS ONLY.   Guess how many cold emails and cold calls an average C+/VP of mid-size/enterprise organizations receive daily? Your message is likely to be bulk deleted and call blocked by a gatekeeper. 9. LACK OF HUMAN INTERACTIONS WITH THE BUYING COMMITTEE. Programmatic display ads and automated outbound is not a warm-up and activation. You can warm up accounts only with:   * meaningful engagement * content co-creation * micro-events, etc where you'll have a chance to have 1-1 conversations with the buying committee members. 10. LACK OF LEADING INDICATORS.   ABM is not a silver bullet that can drastically decrease sales cycle. Make sure you have leading indicators to track program performance to avoid killing program too early that shows traction but doesn't generate revenue. 11. FOCUSING ON A NEW PIPELINE FOR A PILOT.   Generate new logos without proven playbooks is hard. To create a proof of concept you'll have higher chances for success if you run pipeline acceleration and expansion programs with accounts that are already aware of you. --- This Thursday we'll with Vladimir share a live case study with our client showing how to recover from a failed program and generate almost $2mln pipeline in 4 months. Save your spot here:

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  • Great post for Business Developers to strike “while the iron is hot” when asking your prospects,partners, and customers for referrals.

    View profile for Katelyn Bourgoin 🧠, graphic

    The Buyer Psychologist | I’ll help you sell more using science (not guru B.S.) | 70,000+ marketing geeks read my newsletter Why We Buy 🧠

    Do you know what reciprocity and cheese have in common? The answer is… They both have an expiration date. For reciprocity, it’s known as reciprocity decay. (For cheese, it’s known as yuck.) Turns out you can’t give something and expect to have an infinite IOU. One hospital found this out the hard way. They sent over 18,000 donation requests to former patients at various times. The former patients who received a request soon after their care were *most likely* to donate. But as time passed between patients’ stays and the donation request, the donations began to decline. And at a specific point in time, donations plummeted *dramatically*—(I’m talking 30%). Do you think the power of reciprocity declines at A) 14 days B) 30 days Share your guess in the comments, and I’ll reveal the answer. – P.S. The lesson for marketers? If you’re asking for a review or testimonial, make the request ASAP. The more time that passes, the more reciprocity decays.

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  • 🤯Great “break through the noise” engagement methods with up to 42% reply rates Thibaut! BD people…Check out Play #1 that leverages your existing customers for growth. They are the most powerful growth engine but some say they aren’t predictable. Play 1 and include them in Play 2 for peedictable growth.

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    Thibaut Souyris Thibaut Souyris is an Influencer

    Steal my outbound prospecting tactics | 38% reply rate, 27% meeting rate on LinkedIn

    3 prospecting plays you don't want to miss: Follow me and hit the bell for more tips like this one.

  • Great tips for Business Developers to boost their community on LinkedIn. For a BDR or someone planning to become a BDR, your biggest challenge is industry credibility. Content Curation is your best friend. Share industry news, how to, trends, and present them in the context of your solution. See Michael’s slide 2 tips.

    I added 862 LinkedIn followers in the last 30 days At this rate, I’ll grow my audience by 10,344+ in 12 months. Not bad, right? But, I plan on accelerating my growth rate. Here's how you can too. (even if you're just starting out) These 19 hacks are proven to help you grow: 1) Be Useful Create “saveable” content “There is a 90% chance someone who ‘saves’ will see your next post” -Tip 1: Be concise—posts w/ sentences under 12 words perform 20% better -Tip 2: Be useful—post content that helps your audience succeed -Tip 3: Be actionable—provide step-by-step guidance -Tip 4: Be engaging—share behind-the-scenes moments 🛟 Make your content “savable” and watch you reach skyrocket 2) Nail Your Timing ”90% of LinkedIn activity happens between 7am and 9pm local time.” But, different post types have ideal times: -Tip 5: “Text only posts: work best 10am-12pm (Mon-Fri)” -Tip 6: “Text + image posts: work best 8am-10:30am (Mon-Fri)” -Tip 7: “Personal stories: work best on weekends 8am-12pm (Sat-Sun)” 🗓️ Use a scheduler to ensure posts are perfectly timed. 3) Engage Early And Often Example: “Engaging with Poll comments increases reach by 25%” I try to reply to every comment. This is proven to increase the visibility of your post -Tip 8: Respond to comments quickly -Tip 9: Encourage opinions and feedback -Tip 10: Tag relevant people and companies -Tip 11: DM people that inspire you and tell them 👍 Reply and like your comment watch your reach expand 4) Personalize Your Visuals “Personalized images (not stock) increase engagement by 45%” -Tip 12: “Photos with people increase reach by 20% (60% for selfies)” -Tip 13: “Photos with people increase engagement by 50%” -Tip 14: “Vertical photos are most effective.” -Tip 15: “Screenshots typically decrease clicks by 15%” 📸 Personalize your photos to max out your reach and engagement 5) Measure & Analyze “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” -Tip 16: I use Shield to analyze top-performing posts -Tip 17: Track your post’s views, clicks, and engagement rate -Tip 18: I identify your top-performing stories and adjust -Tip 19: Set measurable goals and track your progress over time 📏 Measure your progress and analyze it often Oh, and tip 20? Just start posting! I’ve posted 168 times in 2024 and my audience growth is finally accelerating. But it isn’t dumb luck. I have a plan. And I just gave you a lot of it. So, start drafting your next post now and focus on these 19 hacks. I would love to hear from you. Which tactic are you going to focus on to grow you audience? Please feel free to leave a comment below. — I pulled stats from Richard van der Blom's 2024 LinkedIn research report. His full report is a MUST buy! Link in the comments below 👇 — 👋 I’m Michael Jaindl. A tech CRO with $1B+ in company exits. ♻️ Repost this if it's helpful.

  • 💯 Roy! Business Development leaders, the BDR role is rapidly evolving. BDR used to produce linear output, it can now produce exponential output...with the right BDR. Roy makes a great point that, “If I were you, I would start hiring BDRs with a strong background in the space AND who have a personal brand on LinkedIn.” If you’re a BDR candidate, I recommend starting with a LinkedIn Curation Strategy while you’re still in school or current job. 1. Target your industry 2. Identify top industry voices and news 3. Like, comment, and post key industry insights from the top voices and sources This will increase your industry competency, credibility, and community.

    View profile for Roy Itzhaki, graphic

    Founder at BizDev Labs | Forbes 30 Under 30

    When I first started as a BDR in 2019... (My role looked like this) - Make 100 calls a day - Mass email everyone - Send unlimited invites - Script was the same Now, it's completely different... - Educate at scale - Wear a marketing hat - Look for intent signals - Hyper targeted strategy - Make strategic outreach - Subject matter expertise - Company wide alignment - Leverage channels that scale - Adapt script based on market The BDR role is going through a massive transition. And I am loving it! --- P.S. If I were you, I would start hiring BDRs with a strong background in the space AND who have a personal brand on LinkedIn. It’s the new way of B2B growth 🔮 Who else agrees? #sdr #sales #bdr

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