Crosscheck Mental Performance Training

Crosscheck Mental Performance Training

Airlines and Aviation

Mental performance training for aviators...and beyond

About us

Crosscheck is a mental performance and mindset coaching business focused on aviators.

Airlines and Aviation
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Employees at Crosscheck Mental Performance Training


  • The next class starts in just four weeks, don't miss your chance to maximize your aviation skills. Who is this course for? Any aviator wanting to level up by maximizing their mental performance. This course takes you from where you are and improves upon that. The course is 100% virtual, and can be accomplished in your schedule, but it also includes optional discussion groups led by me, or other qualified Crosscheck coach (these sessions are also recorded). Testimonials: "I also have to say that the lessons I learned from your class, and the impact that has made on my flying has also had a profound effect on the way I live my life, make personal decisions, and run my business. My family and my team at my company have noticed the difference as well. (And so has my CFI)." - Wendy R. "The course has helped to shift my attitude and mindset towards flying to a more positive one, which has boosted my overall confidence in my flights. There are still times where my confidence plummets, but this course has presented strategies that I have found effective to bring my mind back into the moment and reason myself through situations to bring my confidence levels back to where I want them." - Abby S. "I loved the totally honesty of each student in the course.  I do not feel quite as awkward or alone anymore. Tammy does an amazing job about making every person feel important!" - Michelle D. Enrollment is open, payment options available and it comes with 100% money back have nothing to lose!

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  • Our very own Founder and CEO, Tammy Barlette, will be teaching and speaking at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh this summer, don't miss it!

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    I help aviators incorporate mental performance techniques into flying to accelerate progress & increase confidence - Retired Fighter Pilot and USAF Weapons School Graduate - Keynote Speaker

    Will you be at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh this summer? Me too! I will be teaching workshops at the Pilot Proficiency Center on Tuesday, July 23rd and speaking at WomenVenture on Wednesday, July 24th at 2:30pm. At the Pilot Proficiency Center I will be teaching two half day workshops with Bethany S., Rich Stowell and John Dorcey. This particular session is called "Mindset Matters" and will specifically focus on how to reset after an error, a vital skill for any aviator. We will also touch on perfectionism, why it is your enemy in aviation and how to overcome it. Here is the link to sign up: At WomenVenture I will be speaking on what mental performance training is, how it can help you maximize your performance and how to start implementing it into your flying (and your life ;-) Also, check out these phenomenal workshops at the Pilot Proficiency Center. ✈ Questioning Your Way To Correlation with Jason Archer ✈ Think, See, Fly in 3D with Rich Stowell ✈ The Sweat Fact (T-SBT) with Pete Reddan ✈ Don't Let Your Enthusiasm Exceed Your Energy with Robert Dumovic ✈ Where'd those Transferable Skills go with Adriana Barragan Huge thanks and shout out to Billy Winburn at Community Aviation, Michael Phillips, Rich Stowell, Jason Archer and Ken Wittekiend for not only making all these great workshops happen, but giving me the honor of being part of it!

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  • Do you ever wish you had more time, prepared more, or researched more? When it comes to the proverbial glass of water, do you look at what is in it and think, “look what I have!” or do you look at what could be in it and think, “there’s not enough here”? Most people intellectually understand having a “glass half full” mentality is beneficial, but how to do this is the question. When teaching anything, most people will not learn with only the explanation of “what” needs to happen; true learning comes when you explain “how” to make it happen. So, how do you maintain a positive attitude about your preparation when stepping into your "arena" to perform? If you focus strictly on outcome-based goals, you will find yourself stuck in the “I haven’t done enough” mentality. This state of mind is like staring at the top of the mountain (your outcome-based goal) too often as you work to get there. This can make the goal seem overwhelming and unreachable. Worse, if you don’t reach that goal, you may feel like a failure, despite the growth and learning on the journey there. Adding process-based goals to your strategy helps improve your mindset and gives you successes to fall back on if you fail to achieve the overall objective. What are process-based goals? They are the smaller steps needed to reach your large goal. Using the mountain analogy, it’s like saying, “I am going to walk to that rock, then that tree, then that ridge,” and giving yourself credit for achieving these small successes. For a pilot preparing for a checkride, this could mean establishing a daily checklist of habits and tasks, such as studying for 1.5 hours five days a week, getting 8 hours of sleep nightly, eating three good meals a day, chairflying for 30 minutes daily, flying in the simulator for an hour three times a week, and working out for 45 minutes five days a week. An executive preparing for an important meeting might list tasks such as reviewing content for an hour daily, giving a mock presentation to two people within three days, having a colleague review slides for errors and understanding, deciding on attire two days prior, developing a backup plan for technology failures, and researching attendees and their biggest challenges. You can use a marble jar, a sticker sheet, a checklist, or any creative method to track your progress and give yourself credit for the work you do along the way. This will improve your confidence going into the performance. This technique also allows for well-deserved breaks, often leading to better preparation. When you accomplish your daily tasks, you can take time to do something you enjoy. This can make you feel more energized and willing to review a few more things for an extra confidence boost. Being able to take a guilt-free break is vital. Now, go out there and establish your process goals for your next performance. I’d love to hear what you are preparing for next or if you have a creative way of giving yourself credit along the way.

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  • "We have robust mental health support. We can be on the phone with a psychologist within minutes, if we need it. But sometimes we are not in the ideal place mentally, but we don't quite need professional help yet...we don't have tools for that." --Officer from the Long Beach Police Department When it comes to physical health, do you rush straight to the doctor at the first sign of illness? Probably not. Typically, people manage minor health issues themselves, seeking professional help only when necessary. It's a logical approach. But when it comes to mental health, the story often unfolds differently. Minor issues are frequently ignored, allowing them to escalate until they become unmanageable. Even when it's evident that professional help is needed, many hesitate to seek it. That's why mindset and mental performance training are so vital. These techniques, borrowed from professional athletes, are incredibly powerful. We've adapted them from athletics to aviation and now to everyday life. Coming soon..."Mental Performance for Life and Work" – a course designed to equip everyone with these essential skills. What tools and techniques do you rely on when life's stresses become overwhelming? Share your best practices with us, we're always wanting to learn and add tools to our toolbox. Want to be among the first to know when the course launches? Drop us a message with your name and email to join our exclusive VIP list! #MentalHealthAwareness #MindsetMatters #PerformanceTraining #PersonalDevelopment

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  • From our founder and CEO...

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    I help aviators incorporate mental performance techniques into flying to accelerate progress & increase confidence - Retired Fighter Pilot and USAF Weapons School Graduate - Keynote Speaker

    After retiring from 20 years of service to spend time with my kids, I couldn't leave aviation behind. Teaching is also my passion, and that is how I've found a way to continue making an impact on the aviation community. For the past 6 years, I've dedicated myself to studying mental performance training, shifting the content from athletics to aviation with phenomenal results. While pilots understand the importance of confidence, resilience, composure, and focus, the 'how' to do these things is often overlooked. That's where I come in! I offer a 4-week online course that teaches the 'how' behind these essential aviation skills, crucial in navigating the challenging world of aviation. If you're ready to boost your confidence, increase focus, and reduce stress for enhanced safety, join my course at crosscheckmentalperformance . com I've kept the cost low for accessibility. For the price of just two instructional flights, you can reap benefits on every future flight. With a 100% money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose. Don't miss out—the next class starts next week, and there won't be another until August. Once enrolled you have access to the course for 6 months. If you know someone who could benefit from this, PLEASE SHARE and help them find the success in aviation they are looking for. #AviationTraining #PilotSkills #ConfidentPilot #MentalPerformance #FlightSafety

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  • Have you ever made a mistake your struggled to get over? You are not alone.

    View profile for Tammy Barlette, graphic

    I help aviators incorporate mental performance techniques into flying to accelerate progress & increase confidence - Retired Fighter Pilot and USAF Weapons School Graduate - Keynote Speaker

    I totally screwed up. On final approach my instructor pilot says, “Are you going to put the flaps down?” My habit pattern had gotten interrupted and I forgot to put my flaps down. I also forgot my before landing check or I would have recognized my error. I thought to myself, “I can’t believe it did that? What an idiot? I am totally going to fail this flight? That’s going to put me behind. I feel so stupid, who does that? Not putting my flaps down and not noticing, he must think I’m the worst pilot. And I have to face all my classmates, this is going to suck!, etc., etc., etc.” While this useless (actually harmful) conversation is happening inside my head, what am I supposed to be doing? Flying the plane. Having the ability to move on mentally after a mistake is a skill that is valuable across many professions. As a young pilot, I understood the importance of not beating myself up over a mistake, but I didn’t know HOW to stop it. As a retired pilot with over 3000 flying hours, and six years studying mental performance training, I now have tools to help shift this concept from intellectual understanding to practical application. I teach what I call the “re-cage” technique in my online course and it has proven to be a very useful tool. Do you have a re-cage technique so you don’t keep carrying the weight of your errors forward while you are still trying to perform at your best? *bonus if you can ID the aircraft in the photo

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  • Are you a first officer transitioning to captain? Learning a new aircraft? Making a switch between rotary and fixed-wing aviation? Now is the ideal moment to join my course, 'Building Confidence in Aviation'! With extensive experience flying multiple aircraft, over a decade instructing in US Air Force pilot training, and six years immersed in mental performance training, our founder and CEO, Tammy Barlette, designed this course to share the techniques that helped her (and now many others) conquer various aviation hurdles. It offers a unique and powerful perspective, empowering you to confidently navigate the challenges ahead. Learn more here: Or schedule a 15 minute discovery call with Tammy here: #BuildingConfidence #AviationTraining #PilotDevelopment #MentalPerformance #FlightSuccess

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  • 🛩️ Calling all CFIs and Flight School Owners! 🛩️ Are you tired of seeing your student pilots held back by self-doubt and mental barriers? Watching them disappear and never return to training? Let us help you empower them to reach new heights! Crosscheck has been teaching an online course on mental performance training for aviators since last November, and the results have been nothing short of incredible. Now, we're bringing this transformative training to you and your students. If you're ready to help your students boost their confidence, enhance focus, and reduce stress for safer flights, our course is the solution you've been searching for. Use code EMPOWER for $50 off enrollment in the April or May course. But hurry, this offer is only valid through April 7th! Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your students' performance. Click the link in the comments below to learn more and enroll today! #CFI #FlightInstructor #FlightSchool #AviationTraining #PilotTraining #FlightTraining #AviationSafety #FlySafe #AviationCommunity #PilotLife #FlightSchoolOwner

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