Learning technology

With LinkedIn Learning Hub, a New Era of Skill Building Starts Today

With LinkedIn Learning Hub, a new era of skill building starts today

As our CEO Ryan Roslansky recently said, we’re in the midst of a Great Reshuffle. Our world of work is evolving alongside rapid digital transformation, demands for racial justice, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. People are rediscovering how they find meaning and purpose in their lives and at work, and responding by seeking out new opportunities. Leaders, meanwhile, are facing an unprecedented challenge in retaining and reskilling their people to meet new business needs. 

We recently asked more than 500 executives in the U.S. and U.K. how they’re thinking about work today and in the future. Given the massive changes in the global economy, it’s no surprise that the need to upskill and reskill feels especially urgent to leaders, with close to three-quarters (72%) believing that training is necessary for people to build the skills needed to work effectively in hybrid and flexible work environments. 

The benefits of skill building they cite are broad. It helps: 

  • employees keep their skills sharp in a competitive market; 
  • the company navigate crises better; and 
  • train employees to become managers. 

These survey results make clear that a learning-centric culture empowers all employees—from the C-suite to a new hire—to invest in themselves, which yields major returns to the business. 

In the midst of global transformation, we see a unique opportunity—and responsibility—to help employers and employees navigate these changes in ways that lead to more equitable outcomes as well as a more dynamic global economy. That's why today, we're excited to play an even bigger role in this revolutionary movement with the launch of LinkedIn Learning Hub.

Level up your learning with LinkedIn Learning Hub  

We know learning and development (L&D) professionals need more than just good content to lead their organizations’ reskilling and upskilling. They need an intelligent learning platform that creates a personalized, social experience and acts as a catalyst in creating a culture of learning across their organization.

As talent leaders begin to refocus their gaze on talent pools in terms of skills moving in and out of the organization, they need insights into how skills are currently distributed across the organization, what skills are being developed, and the skills their organization needs to stay competitive now and in the future.

LinkedIn Learning Hub Dashboard

Linkedin Learning Hub offers this and so much more, helping L&D leaders revolutionize their L&D strategy, be more strategic advisors to the C-Suite, and deliver talent solutions that drive business outcomes. The platform offers an unprecedented sophistication in data insights, by aggregating learning content and connecting learning outcomes to tangible skills, which sit on top of LinkedIn’s Skills Graph—the world's most comprehensive skills taxonomy, with 36K+ skills, 14M+ job postings, and the largest professional network of 740M+ members. 

L&D pros can leverage the platform to stay competitive in a quickly evolving market with the following key features: 

Personalized learning content 

Personalized content makes it easier for learners to build the right skills at the right time. With AI-driven recommendations from across an organization’s learning resources, Learning Hub surfaces only the most relevant and applicable content based on users’ learning activity and their skills profile. By meeting learners where they are and showing them the path forward to their professional ambitions, personalized learning creates a meaningful and engaging learner experience.  

Beta customer Foster + Partners is already tapping into what it likes to call LinkedIn Learning Hub’s “17 layers of new insights” to use personalized learning experiences as a competitive advantage. 

“Learning metrics are very important to us, and the ability to drill down on individual [user] accounts or pull up and see what our peer organizations are learning is helping us stay ahead in our industry,” says Head of Learning and Development Laggi Diamondi.  

Learning Hub aggregates all of an organization’s learning content in one place, so that L&D leaders can access skills insights, measure engagement across their learning sources, and customize the learner experience with curated learning paths. The Hub’s customers will be able to integrate with leading content providers in our partner ecosystem, including edX, Pluralsight, Udemy Business, Harvard Business Publishing, O'Reilly Media, Udacity, and many more. See all LinkedIn Learning Hub content partners here

Community-based learning

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network. Members and customers look to us for community to grow professionally. 

The Hub’s community-based learning connects learners with their colleagues, peers, and experts—including LinkedIn Learning instructors. We know that learning with others makes learning addictive, with employees using LinkedIn Learning’s social features spending 30x more hours learning than those who don’t. 

It also makes learning more human. We thrive on connection—but with limited opportunities for in-person gatherings, digital spaces for people to share ideas and learn from each other have immense value to learning outcomes and personal well-being. 

Skills development insights

Skills development insights inform L&D leaders with the data they need to thoughtfully reskill and upskill employees to develop the skills necessary for new and emerging roles. Learner insights power L&D teams with an understanding of the people in their organization with the greatest appetite for learning, and individual and team progress towards closing skills goals. 

Driven by LinkedIn’s comprehensive skills taxonomy, the platform connects learning outcomes directly to skills. This gives L&D pros and learners a clear understanding of the impact of their learning strategies and how their people’s breadth of skills stack relative to competition in their market and industries. 

Read more about LinkedIn Learning Hub’s features here.

The Future of Skill Building

Back in March, I wrote that skills are the new currency in the world of work

Skills give us a framework for how to support our employees’ personal and professional growth, and grant clarity into how our talent strategies achieve business outcomes. Addressing key business and talent opportunities from a skills perspective enables better outcomes across the board—from hiring to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, succession planning, internal mobility, and more. 

That’s why L&D pros are finding that they have a seat at the table like never before. They’re tasked with leading strategic conversations that cement continuous learning as the key to future-ready and equitable workforces. To be a true strategic advisor to the business, they need to power their conversations with insights that help their organization make better business decisions through the right skills investments. 

The pace of workplace change has never been faster and will continue to gain speed in lock-step with rapid digital transformation. And skill building is key to future-proofing your business. This is critical as the need to retrain and redeploy talent for the new world of work becomes even more pressing. 

I’m thrilled to be part of this learning movement that’s fundamentally changing how people learn at a time when L&D leaders are spearheading strategic change like never before. 

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