The ladies of Dubai were just warming up when they filmed the debut season of RHODubai, which aired back in 2022. “We were still getting the hang of doing this, so it was hard to live our lives in front of the cameras. Now, everyone’s more comfortable, and the difference shows,” says Sara Al Madani, adding that this time around, the cast members “are all drama mamas!” Here, Sara and costars Chanel Ayan, Caroline Brooks, Lesa Milan, Caroline Stanbury and newbie Taleen Marie talk to Life & Style’s Fortune Benatar about old friendships and new alliances.

Who brings the most drama? 

Chanel: Caroline Brooks. She is super entertaining!

Caroline Brooks: Chanel is the definition of drama — but she’s hilarious and I love her. 

Caroline Stanbury: Me, Caroline Brooks and Lesa.

Taleen: We all bring it in a different way.

What can fans expect to see? 

Chanel: I’m building my empire, Ayan Beauty. I grew up in a village with 1,000 people, and now I have my makeup line sold worldwide.

Caroline Brooks: There are so many shifts in friendships. 

Sara: Season 2 is wild. There are lots of plot twists. People’s masks are slipping.

Lesa: Fun, drama and an ending not even [TV psychic] Miss Cleo could’ve predicted!

Caroline Stanbury: We all know each other better, so we have more fun with one another. Fans will also see me finally move into my new house and how difficult the first year of marriage can be.

Tell us about baby plans with your husband, Sergio.

Caroline Stanbury: We currently have an embryo on ice — a little boy—and are looking into surrogacy as it is now legal in the UAE.

How is everyone else’s love life? 

Caroline Brooks: The dating scene is interesting. I’m having fun right now. This is my last year of being “semi-single” — I’m ready to settle down and meet Mr. Right. He’s out there, and I’m gonna find him.

Sara: Ta-da! I’m single, but of course I see myself getting married. I’ll go to the end of the world to find my other half. Being divorced twice doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world or that we should give up on love.

Chanel, we see you form an alliance with Caroline Stanbury, which changes your relationship with your bestie, Lesa. Where do you all stand now?

Chanel: I didn’t form an alliance with Caroline. We formed an authentic friendship that I like. I love Lesa and gave everything to show her she is my best friend.

Lesa, how would you describe your current dynamic with Chanel?

Lesa: I can’t give it all away, but I will say we’re exactly where we left off when we wrapped filming.

Taleen, what was it like joining the show?

Taleen: I definitely bring the fun. I can laugh at myself and get over drama pretty easily. I don’t hold on to negativity. Sara and Chanel were the most welcoming.

How did coming onto the show change your relationship with Caroline Brooks?

Taleen: Let’s just say I saw her true colors. When fame and ego are involved, you really see a different side to people!