We. Are. Screaming. On Dec. 20, Rolling Stone released a new interview with Kylie Jenner’s baby daddy, Travis Scott, that revealed so many amazing insights on their relationship. The most notable? Oh, how about the fact that the “Sicko Mode” rapper basically revealed his plan to make Kylie his wifey… for real!

Travis began by explaining what the early days of their relationship were like. “We was just two kids, f—–g around. Maybe, like, the first week, you don’t know if it’s real or a fling. Then the second week you’re like, ‘Whoa, I’m still talking to her, she’s responding, I’m responding. We ain’t run out of a thing to say,’” the 26-year-old gushed. “It got to a point where I was like, ‘I need her with me to operate. She’s that one.'”

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Then he dropped the bomb: “We’ll get married soon. I just gotta sturdy up — I gotta propose in a fire way.” OK. Let’s pause. Travis is the type of boyfriend to fill Kylie’s home with enough roses to make a royal wedding planner blush. Can you imagine what his proposal is going to look like? We legit wouldn’t be surprised if he rented out THE MOON for an evening and took Kylie and their daughter, Stormi Webster, there for dinner. 

In addition to his future plans with the KUWTK star, Travis opened up about just how much the pair has in common, particularly when it comes to movies. Who knew? “She’s a Tim Burton fan, which is fire. Wes Anderson fan, which is fire,” he said. His favorite thing about Kylie, though, is how “chill” she is.

“People don’t understand how real my girl is. How ill she is. They have assumptions, bulls–t-ass remarks of what they think is going on. Nah, bro,” Travis expressed. “I like to just go outside and walk. Knowing a girl that famous, you’d think she’s like, ‘I need to go send somebody to do this for me,’ or ‘I need 15 motherf—–s around me,’ but we just walk out the crib,” he continued.

Travis concluded by saying that Kylie is the “coolest motherf—-r of all time,” and honestly, we couldn’t agree more. Alright, now get married already, you two. We’re dying over here.