Service update: Some parts of the Library’s website will be down for maintenance on July 7.

UC Berkeley Library statement of values

Updated: June 2023

At the UC Berkeley Library, we uphold UC Berkeley’s principles of community. We also seek to embody the Library’s values, which guide our behaviors and actions: 

Collaboration and community

  • We work together and support one another to achieve shared goals, uncover new ideas, and extend our impact.
  • We align collections, services, programs, and spaces with current and future users’ needs.
  • We recognize and appreciate one another’s contributions, expertise, and accomplishments.

Equity and inclusion

  • We treat everyone with respect and empathy, and nurture a culture where all employees thrive.
  • We provide equitable access to a diverse set of collections and services.
  • We create practices, processes, and structures that result in equitable outcomes for all.
  • We foster an environment that enables racial justice and facilitates a sense of belonging for historically marginalized communities.

Learning and growth

  • We consider everyone a lifelong learner and knowledge creator. 
  • We support learning and creative experimentation, knowing that experimenting and iterating are essential for developing expertise.
  • We adapt to our ever-changing environment by applying what we learn to bring about positive change.

Openness and transparency

  • We welcome ideas, solicit input, practice active listening, and incorporate new perspectives to expand our understanding. 
  • We embrace inclusive communication, committing ourselves to sharing our thought processes and conditions that inform decision-making.
  • We hold ourselves and one another accountable for our actions.