
member since 2013

Recent Reviews1 total

Purple Urkle

I decided to give this strain a 10, in addition to this being my first Leafly review, because I felt others suffering of my illness might benefit from using Purple Urkle. I have severe obsessive compulsive disorder for which I take a mild SSRI (by choice as my psychiatrist advised a far more potent drug) and Ativan when needed. My OCD is so bad that I have been hospitalized twice for panic attacks. Anyhow, both of these drugs are adequate at times, but I still have residual thoughts and obsessions. Now the moment I vaped some Purple Urkle ... everything changed. OCD fosters clinical depression and now its gone. OCD makes me obsess over irrelevant things and now its gone. I have spent well over a $1,000 (I kept all the container labels so I can prove it) trying to find a strain that would help suppress my OCD ... and now I found it. I hate the fact I will develop a tolerance to this strain rather quickly, but buying it as a concentrate may help alleviate that. I'm sure the meds I'm currently prescribed may have enhanced the medicinal properties, but I've been on these drugs ever since I got my card. Overall this is a fantastic strain worthy of proving to the dumbasses over at the DEA that this in fact medicine. Now I have to begin the process of convincing my dispensary to tell me who the grower is so I know when and when not to buy Purple Urkle from them.