Leadership Counsel fundamentally aims to shift the dynamics that have created the stark inequality that impacts California’s low-income, rural regions.


We work alongside the most impacted communities to advocate for sound policy and eradicate injustice to secure equal access to opportunity regardless of wealth, race, income, and place.

Guiding Principles

Support community strength and co-powerment.

We pursue the development of healthy and sustainable communities by supporting residents to take ownership of their ability to advocate for themselves and leverage the strength of other organizations to build strong, lasting, and mutually supportive organizations.

Increase access to decision-making.

We ensure the inclusion of respect and dignity for historically excluded communities and co-power alongside our allies to engage in meaningful decision-making processes.

Respect, elevate, and protect the interests of historically excluded communities.

We raise awareness of needs and opportunities for investment in and protection of historically excluded communities to ensure the inclusion of rural and low-income communities in key discussions, policies, and programs.
