Career guidance and Graduate Futures

At Loughborough University London, we understand that every career journey is unique. This is why we provide every student with the support and guidance they need to reach their personal career goal.

Whether you are looking to launch your own business, progress with your existing employer or begin a new career journey, The Future Space team can help. We enable you to reflect on the skills and experiences you have and take action to build on those you need to stand out from the crowd.

Our Future Space team offer one to one guidance and support. Students can choose to book a Career Consultation (30/45 minutes), a shorter Quick Advice appointment or mock interview. We hold drop-in sessions, mentoring and a range of skills building workshops to support you.

Career Consultations

Our career consultations offer you a chance to discuss your career goals and future with a Future Space team member. You can receive advice on the type of skills and experiences you need to transform your career aspirations into a reality. You will work with one of our dedicated careers professionals to formulate a detailed career action plan, and will receive advice on a range of services, events and opportunities that will enhance your work-related skills and experiences. You can book an appointment through Handshake.

Mock interviews

Our interview coaching sessions are designed to prepare you for the final and most critical stage of the job application process. The sessions last approximately 45 minutes and take the form of a real interview, so that you can practice your skills and receive personalised feedback on your performance. If you are interested in a mock interview, please email Future Space ( to arrange it. There are also mock interview and mock assessment centre events run during the academic year. These give you the opportunity to be interviewed by professionals and receive feedback.

Future Space 15 min Check in

Our Future Space 15 min check in sessions last approximately 15 minutes and are an ideal opportunity to discuss a simple query with a careers specialist, or receive useful feedback on your CV, cover letter or job application. If you cannot see a Future Space 15 min check in appointment available in the booking system, please select a London Flexible Careers Consultation. There are occasional drop-ins throughout the year.

You can book an appointment through Handshake.

Email Advice

Our careers and futures professionals are also able to answer queries and review CVs and applications via email. Simply email and someone in the team will get back to you. If your request is urgent, please book an appointment online, email or visit the Future Space team on the ground floor.

Booking an appointment

Students can book a discussion by telephone or Microsoft Teams. To book an appointment, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Handshake
  2. Click on the ‘Career Centre’ tab and select ‘appointments’
  3. Select the ‘Appointments’ tab
  4. Click ‘Book an appointment’
  5. Select the appointment type you want to have depending on the nature of your query or support need
  6. Select the time/date of the appointment
  7. Select appointment medium (In person/Handshake/video call) and provide a short summary of your support need to help our team prepare for your appointment
  8. Press ‘Request’ to confirm your appointment
  9. You will receive a confirmation email. For a consultation using MS Teams you will receive the link before your appointment to your university email address.

Professional Mentoring

Professional Mentoring is a great way to unlock your future career goals. Across a six week programme, every Monday mentors and mentees come together in their small groups to discuss their goals. The programme is a great way for you to reflect on their skills, build a network and take action on your goals. Our Mentoring is run regularly throughout the year in 6-week blocks. It is open to all current students and a limited number of Loughborough University London Alumni.

Current Students can learn more about this through our web page here.

Careers Insight Events and Talks

Building your network to create or secure a graduate level job is a key part of the careers support here at Loughborough University London. To support this our Future Space team organises regular Careers Insight Events and talks from alum and industry professionals. For more information go to our web page. Current Students can sign up for these events through our events page in the Handshake platform.

Skills Workshops

To help you create or secure a graduate level job the Future Space team at Loughborough University London runs regular bespoke workshops and skills sessions to expand your knowledge and expertise. Previous workshop examples have included: online job searching, the importance of work experience, online tools for project management, UX/UI design, digital product design, Adobe design skills, and blogging for business. For more information go to our events pages. Current Students can sign up for these events through our events page in the Handshake platform.

Mock Assessment Centre

Your time as a student with Loughborough University London culminates with a Mock Assessment Centre every June. The Future Space Mock Assessment Centre gives an opportunity to develop your skills and experience in how UK employers recruit. It features partner employers and professionals. For more information go to our events pages. Current Students can sign up for these events through our events page in the Handshake platform.

Support for Our Graduates

Your time at Loughborough University London does not end once you graduate. Our Institute LinkedIn groups are always buzzing with opportunities and we are always happy to welcome graduates back onto campus. You can still benefit from our services, book our meeting rooms or spaces and attend our events. We also regularly welcome back our alum community to speak and represent us at events. If you would like to connect, please email