Who to contact

If you have specific queries on charges, please contact the relevant area below.

Accounts Receivable

Here to support you in making payment and understanding your statement

  • I don’t understand my statement
  • I have made a payment and want to check it has been received
  • I need support to make a payment
studentfeepayments@lboro.ac.uk 01509 223538

Student Records & Operations

Can answer any specific queries about tuition fees, maintenance grants and the Student Loan Company

  • I don't understand my tuition fees
  • I think my tuition fees are wrong
  • I have a query about future tuition fees
  • I am expecting the Student Loans Company to pay my fees, but they haven't
  • I need assistance with confirmation of attendance
  • I need assistance with a letter to open a UK bank account
SRO 01509 222491 StudentRecords@lboro.ac.uk

Student Accommodation Centre

Can answer any specific queries about accommodation fees and damage charges

  • I don't understand my accommodation charges
  • I think my accommodation charges are wrong
  • I have a query about a damage charge
Student Accommodation Centre 01509 274488 sac@lboro.ac.uk

Student Advice and Support Service

Can support you if personal circumstances affect your ability to pay your fees or you need advice on student funding

  • I am in financial hardship / I can't afford to pay my fees
  • I have a query or issue about my maintenance loan
  • Can anyone help me to deal with the Student Loans Company?
  • I don’t think my tuition fee status (UK/International) is correct
  • I am thinking about leaving the University or changing my course
  • What funding can I get on placement?
Student Advice and Support 01509 222765 advice@lboro.ac.uk

Doctoral College Office

Can answer any specific queries about postgraduate research (PGR) fees

  • I am a PGR student and I don’t understand my fees
Doctoral College Office 01509 228292 p.g.research@mailbox.lboro.ac.uk