Labour's Ashley Dalton has been re-elected as MP for West Lancashire in the general election, forming part of the landslide success for the party nationally under new Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

Ms Dalton gained over 22,000 votes in the general election, beating the Conservative Party and Reform UK candidates, who came in the second and third places. She first won the seat in the February 2023 West Lancashire by-election after previous Labour MP Rosie Cooper stood down to take up an NHS role. In last week's general election. Ms Dalton gained 22,305 votes and was re-elected.

Meanwhile, Conservative candidate Mike Prendergast gained 8,680 votes. Simon Evans for Reform UK received 7,909 votes. Charlotte Marian Houltram for the Green Party had 3,263 votes. And Graham Michael Smith for the Liberal-Democrats gained 2,043 votes. In a statement after her re-election, Ms Dalton said: "I am so honoured that the people of West Lancashire have again put your trust in me to speak for you in Westminster.

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Over half of you voted Labour and I want to assure those of you that didn’t that I will work for everyone in West Lancashire, regardless of who you voted for or if you voted at all and wherever you live in our constituency. Thank you to the other candidates for a dignified campaign and I look forward today to working with a Labour government, led by Keir Starmer, to do the very best for West Lancashire."

During the election campaign, Ms Dalton's activities included attending a the hustings debate with other candidates at St Anne’s Church in Ormskirk organised by the Churches Together network. Videos and photographs included her in Skelmersdale too including the town centre.

In addition to major national political topics raised in her campaign, such as housing, the NHS and the economy, Ms Dalton also highlighted childcare, road repairs, tackling anti-social behaviour by off-road bikers, cancer care and access to cash and banking services in West Lancashire. She is campaigning to get a cash machine in Down Holland and said Labour will introduce banking hubs on high streets, giving people access to banking services and to reinvigorate town centres.

Mike Prendergast, Conservative candidate for West Lancashire in 2024 general election
Mike Prendergast, Conservative candidate for West Lancashire in 2024 general election

On cancer care, she wrote on social media: " It’s ten years since I received my cancer diagnosis. I’m acutely aware of how hard it is to live with the illness and how important it is to be given the best possible care. That’s why I became a volunteer for the excellent Macmillan Cancer Support. If re-elected as your MP, I will support Macmillan and speak-up for cancer patients."

Conservative candidate Mike Prendergast came in second place, His campaign highlighted issues including lower taxes, protecting rural areas with appropriate development, getting investment in road and railways. growing the local economy, tackling anti-social behaviour and rural crime, and investing in the NHS. He said his children were born at Ormskirk Hospital and some of his family members work in the NHS.

Third-placed Simon Evans for Reform UK highlighted themes including standards of behaviour, personal freedom, pride in Britain, tackling crime and anti-social behaviour, and ending what he saw as a burden of legislation and 'woke' culture hindering the use of common sense in public life.

Simon Evans, Reform UK candidate for west Lancashire in 2024 general election
Simon Evans, Reform UK candidate for west Lancashire in 2024 general election

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