Christine McGuinness has shared an update on her living situation with her ex-husband Paddy McGuinness following his sweet public support.

The Blackpool-born model and former Top Gear host confirmed their separation in July 2022 and continue to live together in their Cheshire home for the sake of their three children. In a joint statement they shared on social media at the time of their split, they said "a while ago we took the difficult decision to separate but our main focus as always is to continue loving and supporting our children.

"This was not an easy decision to make but we're moving forward as the best parents we can be for our three beautiful children." Despite their separation, the celebrity pair continue to live together for the benefit of their children - twins Penelope and Leo, and their youngest daughter Felicity, all of whom have been diagnosed with autism.


In a recent interview with The Sun's Fabulous magazine, Christine spoke about their decision. The 35-year-old said: "It's the one thing that we completely agree on the children's needs come first. We don't want them to be affected by anything."

She also mentioned that Paddy's work schedule keeps him away from home often. "Patrick's diary is busy, as it always is, so he very much dips in and out of the home, because he's working away a lot. The same as when I was his wife, I'm there to support the children when he goes out to work that's how it is."

"When he comes back, that's when I'll try to put some of my work in. It doesn't affect the children, because they're not moving anywhere. They're in one home, in their beds every night, and Mummy and Daddy come and go depending on our work schedules."

She also spoke about her dating life, admitting it's none existent as dating "isn’t something that appeals" to her. She shared how this Valentine’s Day, on Wednesday (February 14), will be spent working, before coming home to the children.

"I don’t want to go into anything where I’m not there wholeheartedly, so I’m more than happy to put love on the backburner," she added to the publication. "I’m living my life, I’m having fun and it’s absolutely no problem not to have a romantic love in my life."

Meanwhile, Paddy was among those showing Christine his support when she revealed a very personal family moment with her fans. She previously explained that her dad, Johnny, is an addict. She revealed that his heroin addiction stretched back four decades – and that every time she saw him she thought it would be the last.

However, this weekend, she’s shared the joyous news that he is now clean and in recovery. Sharing a post to Instagram, she shared past memories with her dad amid his addiction before showing a picture of them now, with Johnny looking healthier and happier than ever.

She said: "For all the times I’ve said what I thought was our last goodbye, today was the best hello. My dad is the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever seen him, my dad is off heroin. I never thought I’d say those words.”

Christine continued: “If you love someone in recovery, never lose hope, it’s never too late. My dad is 62, he’s been an addict for four decades and now he’s a big strong 16st man!"

She then concluded: "Dad, I am so proud of you." Showing support to his ex, Paddy was among the hundreds sending Johnny well wishes.

The former Top Gear host said: “His belly is everything! Good lad J," to which Christine responded with red hearts.