Other Legal Services

LACLJ attorneys work with clients to do a comprehensive legal assessment to identify a whole range of legal problems connected to domestic violence and sexual assault. Depending on the case and the client’s goals, LACLJ can either provide representation or refer clients to an LACLJ partner to best meet a survivor’s needs.

Civil Advocacy

LACLJ can provide advocacy in housing, education and employment. This can include helping survivors keep their apartment or break a lease, change schools or take time off of work.

Criminal Justice Advocacy

Protecting Victim Rights in the Criminal Justice System: In cases where the abusive person is prosecuted in a criminal case, survivors have the right to keep their medical, counseling and education records private and to certain information and documents pertaining to the criminal case. LACLJ attorneys can represent the victim in the criminal case to make sure their rights are protected. For more information about victim rights in the criminal system, check out our Survivors Guide CLICK HERE

LACLJ attorneys offer a confidential relationship within which a survivor can learn about their rights, weigh their options and make informed and empowered choices for themselves and their families.

If you are a survivor of domestic violence or sexual assault, LACLJ attorneys can help you with your legal needs. To apply for services please CLICK HERE