Complaint filed against Jeff Lowe with Love Co. Sheriff’s Office

Complaint filed against Jeff Lowe with Love Co. Sheriff’s Office.
Complaint filed against Jeff Lowe with Love Co. Sheriff’s Office.(KXII)
Updated: May. 7, 2021 at 10:22 PM CDT

SHERMAN, Texas (KXII) - A neighbor of Tiger King Park owner Jeff Lowe has filed a public nuisance complaint against Lowe and his park with the Love County sheriff’s office.

Jeff Scott’s property backs up to Tiger King Park and Scott says the smell coming from the park is unbearable.

“The smell would penetrate the house. It would go through the air conditioning system and into the house it would get in our vehicles and on our clothes,” Scott said.

Scott said he’s concerned that diseased livestock bacteria could be entering the nearby creek that runs through multiple properties, including Tiger King Park, because that’s what he claims Lowe is feeding the cats.

“He didn’t make any secret of it,” Scott said. “He put an ad out in the paper that he wanted people to bring him dead animals and livestock so he could feed the cats.”

Scott said it wasn’t long after that he started “dealing with a severe stench in the area.”

“It just smelled like rotting putrid livestock,” Scott said. “And feeding time I guess is normally in the evenings because that’s when it smells.”

“Thackerville has lots and lots of horses, lots and lots of cows and it smells,” Lowe said. “A lot of people don’t like the casino lights and the casino traffic. We just have to deal with what we have.”

Lowe said the property sat empty for months before he moved there and it was fair game for anyone to move in. But now the Tiger King Park owner could soon be on the move.

Lowe is looking to leave the country and take over a new property that he says has lots of big cats and animals. However, he wouldn’t say where the property is located or when he plans to move there.

Lowe said where the animals at the park will end up is being discussed by his attorneys and the Department of Justice. He says they’ll either be relocated or sold to any person or group that wants to buy his property.

But Lowe did confirm who won’t be getting the animals.

“Howard Baskin can kiss my white, lilly you know what,” Lowe said. “He will never, ever get possession of any of my animals.”

Lowe says leaving the country won’t be delayed by any legal action from a fist fight he got into with another neighbor last month after a drone was spotted flying over Lowe’s property.

District Attorney Craig Ladd has not made a decision about whether any charges will be pressed.

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