No more password sharing on Disney+

If you mooch off someone’s streaming service, time is up. Disney+ is the next streaming service banning password sharing.

Tags: Disney, Now, Password, service, sharing, streaming, streaming service, time

Taking a summer vacation? Don't make these dumb mistakes

Did you hear about the woman who was scammed out of her $15,000 Carnival cruise? A day before the family was supposed to board, Tiffany found the trip she’d spent a year planning had been canceled … and not by her. 

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Look for this magic mic: NBC is bringing back the iconic voice of 79-year-old Al Michaels for the 2024 Olympics using AI. Peacock subscribers will get personalized Olympic recaps tailored to their interests. If you only like gymnastics and breakdancing, he’ll focus on those highlights.

$5 billion

Investment in Rivian EVs … from Volkswagen? Yep, Rivian stock shot up over 50% following news about the two automakers teaming up. Investors are hoping Rivian will benefit from Volkwagen’s manufacturing know-how and Rivian will give them a leg up on software.

🦏 Stop smugglers: South African scientists are implanting nontoxic radioactive isotopes into rhino horns. This makes them unsuitable for consumption (they’re used in traditional medicines) and easier to track. This could save other endangered species, too, like elephants and pangolins, if it works. Isn’t that amazing?

🚕 Uber is giving out $1,000 to 175 folks who take on the five-week “One Less Car” challenge. From July 22 to Aug. 25, it’ll be Uber rides and public transportation only for the lucky few. The challenge is open to residents of Los Angeles; Chicago; Washington, D.C.; Miami; San Francisco; Toronto and Vancouver. Enter here.

No more green texts with your Android buddy: Apple now supports Rich Communication Services — in iOS 18 beta, at least. Once this hits prime time this fall, you can send and receive high-quality photos and videos, know when they’re typing, and get read receipts, no matter the device.

“Needless Markup” hacked: Hackers stole info from at least 64,472 Neiman Marcus customers and employees, including names, contact details and birth dates. The data is for sale on the dark web for $150,000.

🎮 Next-level rage: A 20-year-old gamer flew from New Jersey to Florida to try to kill another player. He showed up with a hammer after they fought in a game called ArcheAge. He’s been charged with attempted second-degree murder and armed burglary. Remember, someone who really wants to find you generally can because your private info is for sale online.

Web safety alert: Over 100,000 websites, including Hulu, are victims of a security breach. They all use a compromised JavaScript library that could redirect users to scam sites, install malware, and even swipe usernames, passwords and credit card info. Watch out for rogue pop‑ups.

$1 million a year

What a YouTuber with 1.8 million subscribers makes. Jake Tran, 25, posts documentary-style vids about controversial topics, conspiracy theories and scams. He says he gets “paid for learning how the world works.” I feel the same way teaching you all about tech!