Bowser, meet your new robot friend

OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o can “think,” write and talk in real-time. Check out this video to see it in action. Listen to that laugh! Crazy stuff.

Tags: Check, friend, new, OpenAI, Real, real-time, robot, time, video

Going gray: You want to spend less time scrolling but can’t stay away. Here’s a trick: Put your phone in grayscale mode. On iPhone, head to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Color Filters, and toggle on Color Filter > Grayscale. On Android, it’s under Settings > Accessibility > Visibility enhancements > Color adjustment options > Grayscale.

Free AI test drive: Nothing has changed our lives quite like AI has — and will. That’s why you need to start using AI in your business before it’s too late. Take a free test drive of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure now at No one does data better than Oracle.


There’s a whole lotta AI talk around here lately. Some people love it, some people hate it, and some people think we’ll all be replaced by AI robots. Today’s trivia: Which generation is most afraid of AI? Is it … A.) Gen Z, B.) Millennials, C.) Gen X, D.) Baby boomers or E.) The Silent Generation?

Find the answer here!

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For “star bathing.” Yep, that’s a new term you need to know. Campsite booking platform Hipcamp is seeing more guests looking for a site under clear skies so they can become one with nature. It’s a little out there for me.

Windows 10 death date: Microsoft has announced you won’t get any updates or support for Windows 10 after Oct. 14, 2025. That’s plenty of time to save up for a new Mac … just sayin’.

Fake your location to get the lowest prices: A friend of mine in Phoenix booked a rental car in the U.K. It was $955. I told her to try this trick. She used her VPN to change her location to the U.K. and the same car for the same dates was $322. Just another reason why you need ExpressVPN on all your devices. Use this link to get three months free.

I vote for puns and pundits: Bipartisan lawmakers in Washington, D.C., finally drafted an AI plan — a 31-page “roadmap” that includes $32 billion of research and development. Then, the plan is to hand off the legislative work to Senate committees. I’m seriously thinking I should volunteer to help them out.

Quick privacy tip: Task Manager on a Windows PC and Activity Monitor on a Mac can give you an overview of everything happening on your machine. On a PC, hit Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Click the Processes tab. On a Mac, hit Cmd + spacebar to open Spotlight Search. Then, type Activity Monitor and press Enter. See anything weird? Google it before you panic.

The “E” stands for entertainment: Chuck E. Cheese is saying goodbye to its iconic animatronic robot band at over 400 locations nationwide. You’ll have until the end of 2024 to catch their cute-slash-terrifying musical performances. Get ready for more screens, digital dance floors and trampoline gyms.

Search it: My husband, Barry, was scrolling through his photo app looking for a pic of our boat. I leaned over and said, “Type ‘boat’ in the search bar.” He did, and bam — there was the one he wanted. Just type a word or two and find a certain pic fast.