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Windows 10 death date

Windows 10 death date: Microsoft has announced you won’t get any updates or support for Windows 10 after Oct. 14, 2025. That’s plenty of time to save up for a new Mac … just sayin’.

Tags: death, Mac, Microsoft, new, support, T, time, updates, Windows, Windows 10

3 reasons you shouldn't go another day without antivirus software

If you don’t have antivirus software, you’re putting every internet-connected gadget you own at risk. Something as simple as an unchanged router password can be an entry point for an invader to shut down your phone or even taunt your children through a security camera or smart speaker.

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I vote for puns and pundits: Bipartisan lawmakers in Washington, D.C., finally drafted an AI plan — a 31-page “roadmap” that includes $32 billion of research and development. Then, the plan is to hand off the legislative work to Senate committees. I’m seriously thinking I should volunteer to help them out.


There’s a whole lotta AI talk around here lately. Some people love it, some people hate it, and some people think we’ll all be replaced by AI robots. Today’s trivia: Which generation is most afraid of AI? Is it … A.) Gen Z, B.) Millennials, C.) Gen X, D.) Baby boomers or E.) The Silent Generation?

Find the answer here!

70% more searches

For “star bathing.” Yep, that’s a new term you need to know. Campsite booking platform Hipcamp is seeing more guests looking for a site under clear skies so they can become one with nature. It’s a little out there for me.

The phone rings, and the dad asks his son, “What does the caller ID say?” Son: “It’s a private caller.” Dad: “Don’t answer that. We only pick up for lieutenant callers and higher ranks in this house.”

The “E” stands for entertainment: Chuck E. Cheese is saying goodbye to its iconic animatronic robot band at over 400 locations nationwide. You’ll have until the end of 2024 to catch their cute-slash-terrifying musical performances. Get ready for more screens, digital dance floors and trampoline gyms.

$161 million in bitcoin

Purchased by the state of Wisconsin. It’s the first state to invest in the newly approved bitcoin EFTs. I always say you shouldn’t invest in crypto unless you can afford to lose it. Hope that’s true for the Wisconsin state pension fund.

L(a)unch order

The person who invented autocorrect walks into a barn. He orders a bear.


The most popular game app of all time is Candy Crush. But what was the very first mobile game app? Was it … A.) Solitaire, B.) Bricks, C.) Snake or D.) Tetris?

Find the answer here!

🍗 Free nugs: Get six free chicken nuggets from Wendy’s every Wednesday for the rest of the year. What’s the catch? You need to sign up for Wendy’s Rewards and buy something on hump day through their mobile app (iOS and Android).