Windows 10: 5 pro tips you need to know

Microsoft recently announced Windows 7 will no longer be supported after Jan. 14, 2020. Die-hard users can still run Windows 7 on their PCs, but if there are any issues, Microsoft will no longer be of assistance.

What does this mean, exactly? Tap or click here to learn more about Microsoft’s announcement. It means it’s time to upgrade to Windows 10.

Change for something as complicated as a computer’s operating system can be an uncomfortable experience for most, but making the switch is worth it. We’ll tell you why, starting with the security Windows 10 brings.

Why should I upgrade to Windows 10 when Windows 7 runs just fine?

The simplest answer is for your security. Hackers and cybercriminals learn the ins-and-outs of computer operating systems so they can find potential weaknesses to exploit.

Windows 7 has been around for 11 years, and hackers have found plenty of chinks in its digital armor.

When Microsoft learns about weaknesses in its OS, it releases patches to protect users. But now that Microsoft is moving forward with Windows 10, Windows 7 users will be unprotected.

For the sake of digital security, upgrade to Windows 10. Even if Windows 7 works alright now, soon it will be riddled with so many issues you’ll be lucky if you can upgrade your OS.

I only use my computer to stream videos from trusted sites. Why should I upgrade?

It makes sense to want to keep Windows 7 when you use other devices for online browsing, but you should still upgrade. Websites release updates all the time, and you don’t want your browser to stop working with sites like Netflix or Disney+.

Even older Roku devices have stopped being compatible with Netflix, and they were created specifically to work with the streaming site. Tap or click here to learn more about which devices no longer support Netflix.

And, if you use older versions of Chrome or Firefox, these browsers can only update so far with outdated operating systems. Eventually, they won’t be able to keep up and you’ll be left with a useless hunk of junk.

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Windows warning: Threat leaves 44 million users at risk

Data leaks can be devastating. People can get their accounts hacked and leaked information can be accessed by millions of people — many with bad intentions.

Security experts are warning users to avoid recycling passwords across different platforms. If you use the same one on each account you sign up for, it can result in a domino effect. Tap or click to learn more about a massive database of texts and passwords that was discovered online.

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7 ways to customize your Windows computer

Do you desire a desktop that looks and feels like your own? If generic displays, boring colors and old stock images don’t speak to you, you’ll love this. Windows gives you the ability to set and customize various features to your liking.

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7 fixes for Windows 10 problems driving you crazy

Nearly a billion computers around the world run Windows 10. Critics have praised it and some users love it while others hate it. Some estimate Windows 10 dominates nearly 40 percent of the desktop OS market, handily surpassing the popularity of Windows 7.

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Beware: Windows 10 update email is a ransomware trap

Windows updates are a complicated matter. They’re essential to keep your system safe from hackers and security bugs, but Microsoft doesn’t exactly have the best track record for stable updates. Click or tap here to see how the last Windows update broke several PCs.

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Tech how-to: Change desktop icon size on your Windows computer

One of the best things about Microsoft is it gives Windows users an endless amount of customization options.

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Latest Windows 10 update causes 'Blue Screen of Death' - here's what you can do about it

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Microsoft has a bit of an update problem. The past several releases have been chock full of bugs and glitches that broke essential features in Windows 10. And now, the latest from Microsoft features an even worse one: the Blue Screen of Death. If you managed to download the latest Windows 10 update, here’s what you can do to prevent your system from crashing.

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Windows 10 update breaks yet another key functionally - here's how to fix it

It hasn’t been an easy time at Microsoft recently. Not only did the latest major Windows 10 update feature numerous glitches and performance issues, but it also created security vulnerabilities that put users in harm’s way.

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Microsoft warning: Install this emergency patch now

A security flaw that could let hackers into your computer has Microsoft issuing an emergency patch. If the patch isn’t put in place hackers could remotely control your computer. The flaw is serious enough that the Department of Homeland Security is issuing its own advisory urging the public to get the patch.

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Uh oh: Windows 10 update breaks your antivirus program

Microsoft released an update to fix known CPU issues, and in the process has managed to break many commonly used features in Windows. Not only can this buggy update kill your Start Menu and search feature, but it even breaks the best protection your system has against hackers: Windows Defender. Here’s why we’re breaking tradition and advising Windows users to hold off on updating if they can help it.

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Protect your PC! 800 million Windows computers are at risk

Microsoft has been pretty keen about catching security flaws in Windows before they have a chance to be exploited. But if you thought Windows 10 was out of the woods just yet, you’d be sadly mistaken. A critical new flaw was discovered in Windows that can potentially give hackers remote access to any computer they infect. We have more details on this frightening new threat, and what you can do to protect your PC from being hijacked.

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Still haven't updated Windows? Now the US government is begging you -- here's what you need to do now

A few weeks ago, we covered a major threat identified by Microsoft and its developers that affects a number of previous editions of Windows. Thankfully, Microsoft has released a patch for the issue — But it’s not the only ones pushing for people to update. The NSA, one of the government’s top cybersecurity organizations, is stepping in and urging Windows users to patch their systems before hackers have a chance to fully utilize the security flaw. Is this security flaw really so dangerous that the U.S. Government feels the need to make a statement? You won’t believe what this bug is capable of!

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Microsoft releases Windows emergency security patch to combat fast-spreading malware

Updating your operating system can be a major pain in the neck. This time, however, you might want to look into fixing your system. A major security threat has been identified by Microsoft, one that potentially targets Windows computers with out-of-date software. This vulnerability can spell disaster for personal data and, if left untouched, could spread malware rapidly across the internet.

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Google strongly advises Windows 7 users to upgrade due to Chrome zero-day attacks

Recently, Google announced a massive zero-day attack on its popular browser program, Chrome. This attack left thousands of people vulnerable, but thankfully Google released an update that can fix this problem. But if you are using a Windows 7 computer, then you might still be at risk.

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Windows Defender adds Sandbox Mode to guard against viruses

With the online world becoming more and more dangerous with hackers and scammers seemingly everywhere, it’s good to know that there are programs that can help keep you safe and secure. Windows has just released one such download. Windows Defender now has a Sandbox Mode that allows you to stay safe online using a simple trick that keep you virtually invisible and inaccessible to outside hackers. It’s a simple idea but could keep you safe.

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Windows 10: Tricks you’ll wish you knew sooner

In homes and offices across America, you can’t throw a stone without hitting a Windows PC. You’ll see Microsoft running on monitors in almost every business, big and small, and in living rooms, bedrooms and dorms from coast to coast.

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Windows chip flaw patch is crashing some PCs, making them unbootable

Bad news for Windows users. Microsoft’s January patch for the Meltdown chip flaw was found to be conflicting with antivirus software, causing PCs to either error out or worse, be rendered unbootable. What is Microsoft doing about it? You probably won’t be pleased with the answer.

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Watch out! Major problems with the latest Windows updates

Microsoft typically issues regular security updates each month to fix bugs and flaws. However, September’s updates had a reverse effect: it introduced other bugs, which unfortunately still remain unresolved.

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Free Windows cleanup software puts millions of PCs at risk for hacks

I always love it when I find free software that makes my computer run better. But, if you’ve downloaded a version of this program, you need to get the latest update quickly. A flaw in the older version puts you at risk of hacks!

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Turn this Windows service OFF right now! It leaves you vulnerable to attacks

There’s a service running on your Windows PC that you’re probably not even aware of. It helps you share files with other people, but it’s also a prime target for hackers. If you don’t change this setting right now, you’re leaving the door wide open for a cyberattack that could destroy your entire system.

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