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👊 Close the Windows: There are pros to having your Microsoft and Windows 11 accounts tied together, but if you want to stop Microsoft from sharing your data with advertisers, disconnect from the cloud. Move to a local account with these steps: Open Settings, then Account > Your Info > Sign In. Log into a local account, then confirm your changes.

Tags: account, accounts, advertisers, changes, cloud, data, Microsoft, pros, settings, sharing, steps, Windows

Sick of QuickBooks? There’s a better way!

Stop fighting with spreadsheets and trying to figure out what the heck you did with last year’s inventory list. I have the solution — my sponsor, NetSuite by Oracle.

You get visibility and control of your financials, inventory, HR, planning, budgeting, and more — all from one easy dashboard. Don’t just take my word for it — over 37,000 businesses already use NetSuite.

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🤖 OpenAI’s GPT‑4o is here: The new model responds to spoken words in real time (kinda like a human) and can “sense” changes in your tone and mood. Show it a photo and it’ll describe what’s happening in that image. GPT‑4o is available in the free tier of ChatGPT, but if you pay $20 per month, you get five times the message limit. Today, Google will announce its new AI products. The web as we know it will never be the same.


A cold-brew cup of Joe is made by steeping the grounds in cold water, a process that takes between 12 and 24 hours. But Australian scientists say they’ve gotten that down to 3 minutes using what technology? Is it … A.) Ultraviolet waves, B.) Ultrasound waves, C.) Radio waves or D.) X‑rays?

Find the answer here!

Two astronauts are having breakfast on the space station when one turns to the other and says, “I can’t find any milk for my coffee.” The second replies, “In space, no one can here use cream.” (Yeah, I know, that was a great one!)

'So why did you get fired?'

They say you should drive for the job you want, not the one you have.

Just plane awesome: Ever miss a connecting flight? Airlines are using AI to schedule planes to wait for late passengers, knowing everyone will still arrive on time. Those aboard? You’ll get real-time text messages about what’s happening. Plus, the AI pre-plans the most efficient routes, saving millions of gallons of fuel … and tons of pissed-off passengers.

I love how all these young YouTubers are getting into classic rock. They always tell everyone, “Don’t forget to like Cher and subscribe.” Oh, if I could turn back time!

My favorite moments in life are Mom‑ents.

Are you still using QuickBooks? Discover why thousands are switching to NetSuite’s superior, all-in-one solution. Don’t settle for less. Experience real-time insights and streamlined processes, and make decisions based on data, not your gut. Take a free product tour right now!

Don’t stop “bereaving”: “Griefbots” resurrect loved ones by using AI for conversations and company, but researchers say they do more psychological harm than good. Remember, Psalm 23:4 says you have to “walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” You can’t walk around it, especially with AI.