Tips Travel


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Travel often

Travel often? Stop tearing apart the house for chargers before every single trip. Grab an inexpensive tech bag and buy duplicates of all your most-used chargers (or find them in a drawer). Before you leave, think, “Phone, watch, headphones,” and just grab and go.

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Tags: phone, tech

This tool is 99% effective against malware

Too many cybercriminals are trying to worm their way into your system and steal from you. Even the most tech-savvy folks can be fooled. You don’t even need to click anything to download malware anymore.

That’s why you need powerful software to sniff out malicious files. I trust my sponsor, TotalAV. It’s simple to install and use, and it’s received the VB100 award for detecting more than 99% of malware samples for the last three years in a row. (Yeah, that’s a big deal.)

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The times, they are a-changin’: Google is going to start charging for AI search results. Gemini queries reportedly cost 10 times more than standard searches, with ad revenue from Google searches reportedly tanking. We’re seeing a huge shift in how we use the internet now. If you’re concerned about how this will affect your business, make an appointment to talk to me here.

500 subscribers to be a YouTube Partner

That’s the minimum to make money from your vids. If you want a cut of AdSense revenue, you need 1,000 subs. You’ll need to rack up watch hours, too — 3,000 for Partners and 4,000 for AdSense. Not to toot my own horn here, but I have 82,500 subscribers on YouTube. Toot-toot.

A couple is sitting on their porch, sipping wine. The wife says, “I love you.” The husband says, “Is that you or the wine talking?” The wife replies, “It’s me talking to the wine.”

Gen Z is over dating apps, and they’re bringing back the early-2000s speed-dating trend. Spend a couple of minutes with each person to see if you click. It’s not just 20-somethings, either. Search Eventbrite for dating events near you if you’re “app’d out.” Conversation starter: “How much do you love Kim Komando?”

But at what privacy cost? Your Chase credit card will soon hand over your spending data (paywall link) to advertisers. Say you buy dog food every month. Cue ads for dog owners, whether you’ve opted in or not. The only way to avoid this? Pay cash. Sorry.

🕷️ Creepin’ it real: A University of Nebraska-Lincoln student used AI and cheap mics to make a scientific breakthrough. He found wolf spiders prefer to signal to each other on top of crunchy, dead leaves instead of bark. Sounds small, but this kind of research used to take thousands of hours and lots of expensive equipment! Super cool.

New AI warning: If you use AI to produce content or provide legal, medical or other advice, you’re legally responsible (paywall link) for everything AI does for you. That makes you completely exposed and fully liable for whatever it generates — and AI makes a ton of mistakes. This is important for any business owner to know.

40% of adults lack interaction

They have gone three or more days without interacting with another person. In our hyper-connected world, loneliness is a big problem. Community is so important, and online community counts. Check out the Komando Community if you want to connect with other tech lovers.

Ads are coming: Perplexity, the AI search engine backed by Jeff Bezos and other big-name investors, will soon slip in ads where you’re most likely to click — on “related questions” that make up 40% of queries. Pay attention: The web as we know it is completely changing.